Dr.-Ing. T. Höhne
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf (HZDR)
Institut für Fluiddynamik
Abteilung CFD
Bautzner Landstraße 400 | D-01328 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 260 2425
Fax: +49 351 260 12425
email: t.hoehne@hzdr.de
ausgewählte Publikationen
- Ayad, F.; Baghdad, M.; Bouaichaoui, Y. u. a.
Verification & Validation of CFD predictions regarding Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) situations in ROCOM installation: Comparison with IAEA Benchmark
Nuclear Engineering and Design 413(2023), 112498 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112498) - Döß, A.; Höhne, T.; Schubert, M. u. a.
Comparison of different CFD approaches for the simulation of developing free surface two-phase flow in straight and bent pipes
Chemical Product and Process Modeling 19(2023)2, 193-209 (10.1515/cppm-2023-0028) - Yan, H.; Zhang, H.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Numerical modeling of horizontal stratified two-phase flows using the AIAD model
Frontiers in Energy Research 10(2022), 939499 (10.3389/fenrg.2022.939499) - Höhne, T.
CFD simulation of a heat pipe using the homogeneous model
International Journal of Thermofluids 15(2022), 100163 (10.1016/j.ijft.2022.100163) - Höhne, T.; Farhikhteh Asl, V.; Ople Villacorte, L. u. a.
Numerical Investigation of Degasification in an Electrocoagulation Reactor
Water 13(2021)19, 2670 (10.3390/w13192607) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.
Numerical Analysis Related to the ROCOM Pressurized Thermal Shock Benchmark
Fluids 8(2023)1, 4 (10.3390/fluids8010004) - Höhne, T.; Porombka, P.; Moya Saez, S.
Validation of AIAD sub-models for advanced numerical modelling of horizontal two-phase flows
Fluids 5(2020)3, 102 (10.3390/fluids5030102) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.
Detailed Simulation of the Nominal Flow and Temperature Conditions in a Pre-Konvoi PWR Using Coupled CFD and Neutron Kinetics
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
CFD4NRS-8 : Computational Fluid Dynamics for Nuclear Reactor Safety - OECD/NEA Workshop, 25.-27.11.2020, Palaiseau, Frankreich - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.
Detailed Simulation of the Nominal Flow and Temperature Conditions in a Pre-Konvoi PWR Using Coupled CFD and Neutron Kinetics
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
CFD4NRS-8 : Computational Fluid Dynamics for Nuclear Reactor Safety - OECD/NEA Workshop, 25.-27.11.2020, Palaiseau, Frankreich - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.
Detailed Simulation of the Nominal Flow and Temperature Conditions in a Pre-Konvoi PWR Using Coupled CFD and Neutron Kinetics
Fluids 5(2020)3, 161 (10.3390/fluids5030161) - Höhne, T.; Mamedov, T.
CFD simulation of aeration and mixing processes in a full-scale oxidation ditch
Energies 13(2020)7, 1633 (10.3390/en13071633) - Höhne, T.
Simulation of coolant mixing in a BWR spent fuel storage pool and flood chamber
Nuclear Engineering and Design 359(2020), 110468 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2019.110468) - Diaz Pescador, E.; Grahn, A.; Kliem, S. u. a.
Advanced modelling of complex boron dilution transients in PWRs – Validation of ATHLET 3D-Module against the experiment ROCOM E2.3
Nuclear Engineering and Design 367(2020), 110776 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2020.110776) - Grahn, A.; Diaz Pescador, E.; Kliem, S. u. a.
Modelling of complex boron dilution transients in PWRs—Validation of CFD simulation with ANSYS CFX against the ROCOM E2.3 experiment
Nuclear Engineering and Design 372(2021), 110938 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2020.110938) - Boumaza, M.; Höhne, T.; Mohammedi, B. u. a.
The capability of Ansys CFX to predict the mixing phenomena in ROCOM test facility
SN Applied Sciences 1(2019), 1644 (10.1007/s42452-019-1574-1) - Höhne, T.; Rayya, A.; Montoya, G.
Numerical modelling of horizontal oil-water pipe flow
Energies 13(2020)19, 5042 (10.3390/en13195042) - Höhne, T.; Lucas, D.
A multiscale approach simulating generic pool boiling
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18), 18.-23.08.2019, Portland, USA - Höhne, T.; Lucas, D.
A multiscale approach simulating generic pool boiling
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18), 18.-23.08.2019, Portland, USA - Höhne, T.; Lucas, D.
A multiscale approach simulating generic pool boiling
Nuclear Science and Engineering 194(2020)10, 859-872 (10.1080/00295639.2020.1764265) - Huang, M.; Höhne, T.
Numerical simulation of multicomponent flows with the presence of density gradients for the upgrading of advanced turbulence models
Nuclear Engineering and Design 344(2019), 28-37 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2019.01.025) - Kliem, S.; Grahn, A.; Bilodid, Y. u. a.
A realistic approach for the assessment of the consequences of heterogeneous boron dilution events in pressurized water reactors
Nuclear Engineering and Design 349(2019), 150-161 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2019.04.038) - Hoehne, T.; Krepper, E.; Lucas, D. u. a.
A multiscale approach simulating boiling in a heated pipe including flow pattern transition
Nuclear Technology 205(2019), 48-56 (10.1080/00295450.2018.1495025) - Höhne, T.; Gabriel, S.
Simulation of a counter-current horizontal gas/liquid flow experiment at the WENKA channel using a droplet entrainment model
Annals of Nuclear Energy 121(2018), 414-425 (10.1016/j.anucene.2018.07.047) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Bieder, U.
IAEA CRP benchmark of ROCOM PTS test case for the use of CFD in reactor design using the CFD-codes ANSYS CFX and TRIOCFD
Nuclear Engineering and Design 333(2018), 161-180 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2018.04.017) - Höhne, T.; Krepper, E.; Lucas, D. u. a.
CFD-Simulation of boiling in a heated pipe including flow pattern transitions using the GENTOP concept
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
The 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17), 03.-08.09.2017, Xian, China - Höhne, T.; Krepper, E.; Lucas, D. u. a.
CFD-Simulation of boiling in a heated pipe including flow pattern transitions using the GENTOP concept
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
The 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17), 03.-08.09.2017, Xian, China - Höhne, T.; Krepper, E.; Lucas, D. u. a.
CFD-Simulation of boiling in a heated pipe including flow pattern transitions using the GENTOP concept
Nuclear Engineering and Design 322(2017), 165-176 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2017.06.047) - Höhne, T.; Deendarlianto, A.
Numerical simulation of full scale Upper Plenum Test Facility experiments
Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (JFFHMT) 4(2017), 19-34 (10.11159/jffhmt.2017.003) - Höhne, T.; Gasiunas, S.; Šeporaitis, M.
Numerical Modelling of a Direct Contact Condensation Experiment using the AIAD Framework
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 111(2017), 211-222 (10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.03.104) - Höhne, T.; Porombka, P.
Modelling horizontal two-phase flows using generalized models
Annals of Nuclear Energy 111(2018), 311-316 (10.1016/j.anucene.2017.09.018) - Feng, Q.; Bieder, U.; Höhne, T.
Analysis of buoyancy-driven flow in the ROCOM test facility
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
IYNC2016 - International Youth Nuclear Congress, 24.-30.07.2016, Hangzhou, China - Feng, Q.; Bieder, U.; Höhne, T.
Analysis of buoyancy-driven flow in the ROCOM test facility
Energy Procedia 127(2017), 44-53 (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.062) - Porombka, P.; Höhne, T.
Drag and turbulence modelling for free surface flows within the two-fluid Euler-Euler framework
Chemical Engineering Science 134(2015), 348-359 (10.1016/j.ces.2015.05.029) - Höhne, T.; Geissler, T.; Bieberle, A. u. a.
Numerical modeling of a horizontal annular flow experiment using a droplet entrainment model
Annals of Nuclear Energy 77(2015), 351-360 (10.1016/j.anucene.2014.11.041) - Fischer, K. C.; Höhne, T.; Hollands, T. u. a.
AMNT 2014: Key Topic Reactor Operation, Safety - Report Part 2
atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 59(2014)12, 701-702 - Höhne, T.; Hänsch, S.
A droplet entrainment model for horizontal segregated flows
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
ANSYS Conference & 32. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2014 (ACUM), 04.-06.06.2014, Nürnberg, Deutschland
CD-ROM - Höhne, T.; Hänsch, S.
A droplet entrainment model for horizontal segregated flows
Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
ANSYS Conference & 32. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2014 (ACUM), 04.-06.06.2014, Nürnberg, Deutschland - Höhne, T.; Hänsch, S.
A droplet entrainment model for horizontal segregated flows
Nuclear Engineering and Design 286(2015), 18-26 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2015.01.013) - Hänsch, S.; Lucas, D.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Application of a new concept for multi-scale interfacial structures to the dam-break case with an obstacle
Nuclear Engineering and Design 279(2014), 171-181 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2014.02.006) - Höhne, T.; Mehlhoop, J.-P.
Validation of closure models for interfacial drag and turbulence in numerical simulations of horizontal stratified gas-liquid flows
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 62(2014), 1-16 (10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2014.01.012) - Höhne, T.
Thermal-Hydraulic Investigations for Safety Related Tasks
atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 58(2013)10, 587-588 - Höhne, T.
Scale Resolved Simulations of the OECD/NEA−Vattenfall T-Junction Benchmark using LES methods
Nuclear Engineering and Design 269(2014), 149-154 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2013.08.021) - Stieglitz, R.; Mull, T.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Section Reports: 2012 Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology - Part 5
atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 58(2013)1, 43-44 - Höhne, T.
Development and validation of a morphology detection algorithm (AIAD) for horizontal two phase flows
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
5th Latin American CFD Workshop Applied to the Oil and Gas Industry, 10.-11.07.2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien - Höhne, T.
Development and validation of a morphology detection algorithm (AIAD) for horizontal two phase flows
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
5th Latin American CFD Workshop Applied to the Oil and Gas Industry, 10.-11.07.2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
CD-ROM - Höhne, T.
Development and validation of a morphology detection algorithm (AIAD) for horizontal two phase flows
Petrobras Technical Bulletin (2016) - Lucas, D.; Coste, P.; Höhne, T. u. a.
CFD modeling of free surface flow with and without condensation
Multiphase Science and Technology 23(2011), 253-342 (10.1615/MultScienTechn.v23.i2-4.60) - Hänsch, S.; Lucas, D.; Krepper, E. u. a.
A multi-field two-fluid concept for transitions between different scales of interfacial structures
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 47(2012), 171-182 (10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2012.07.007) - Höhne, T.; Grahn, A.; Kliem, S. u. a.
Numerical simulation of the insulation material transport in a PWR core under loss of coolant conditions
Nuclear Engineering and Design 258(2013), 241-248 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2013.02.001) - Höhne, T.; Darlianto, D.; Lucas, D.
Numerical simulations of CCFL experiments using a morphology detection algorithm
The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 4(2012)3, 271-286 (10.1260/1757-482X.4.3.271) - Montoya, G.; Deendarlianto; Lucas, D. u. a.
Image-Processing-Based Study of the Interfacial Behavior of the Countercurrent Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in a Hot Leg of a PWR
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2012(2012), ID 209542 (10.1155/2012/209542) - Prayitno, S.; Santoso, R.; Darlianto, D. u. a.
Counter-current Flow Limitation of Gas-Liquid Two phase Flow in Nearly Horizontal Pipe
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (2012), 513809 (10.1155/2012/513809) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Rohde, U.
Buoyancy driven mixing studies of natural circulation flows using ROCOM experiments and CFD
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 83(2011)8, 1282-1289 (10.1002/cite.201100035) - Höhne, T.; Schaffrath, A.
Fachsitzung: „CFD-Methoden für sicherheitsrelevante Fragestellungen“
atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 56(2011)7, 419-423 - Deendarlianto; Höhne, T.; Murase, M.
Countercurrent flow limitations in a pressurized water reactor
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (2012), 608678 (10.1155/2012/608678) - Deendarlianto; Höhne, T.; Apanasevich, P. u. a.
Application of a new drag coefficient model at CFD-simulations on free surface flows relevant for the nuclear reactor safety analysis
Annals of Nuclear Energy 39(2012), 70-82 (10.1016/j.anucene.2011.09.010) - Deendarlianto; Höhne, T.; Lucas, D. u. a.
CFD studies on the phenomena around counter-current flow limitations of gas/liquid two-phase flow in a model of a PWR hot leg
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241(2011), 5138-5148 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.08.071) - Deendarlianto; Höhne, T.; Lucas, D. u. a.
Gas-liquid countercurrent two-phase flow in a PWR hot leg: a comprehensive research review
Nuclear Engineering and Design 243(2012), 214-233 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.11.015) - Höhne, T.; Grahn, A.; Kliem, S. u. a.
CFD simulation of fibre material transport in a PWR under loss of coolant conditions
Kerntechnik 76(2011), 39-45 - Höhne, T.; Deen, D.; Lucas, D.
Numerical simulations of counter-current two-phase flow experiments in a PWR hot leg model using an interfacial area density model
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 32(2011), 1047-1056 (10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2011.05.007) - Loginov, M. S.; Komen, E.; Höhne, T.
Application of Large-Eddy Simulation to Pressurized Thermal Shock: assessment of the accuracy
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240(2011), 2034-2045 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2010.03.023) - Moretti, F.; Melideo, D.; Del Nevo, A. u. a.
Experimental investigation of in-vessel mixing phenomena in a VVER-1000 scaled test facility during unsteady asymmetric transients
Nuclear Engineering and Design 241(2011)8, 3068-3075 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.05.005) - Höhne, T.; Vallee, C.
Experiments and numerical simulations of horizontal two-phase flow regimes using an interfacial area density model
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
ANSYS Conference & 28. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2010, 03.-05.11.2010, Aachen, Deutschland
CD-ROM - Höhne, T.; Vallee, C.
Experiments and numerical simulations of horizontal two-phase flow regimes using an interfacial area density model
Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
ANSYS Conference & 28. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2010, 03.-05.11.2010, Aachen, Deutschland - Höhne, T.; Vallee, C.
Experiments and numerical simulations of horizontal two-phase flow regimes using an interfacial area density model
The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 2(2010)3, 131-143 - Höhne, T.; Vallée, C.
Experiments and numerical simulations of horizontal two phase flow regimes using an interfacial area density model
The Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows 2(2010)3, 131-143 - Höhne, T.
Numerische Strömungsberechnung/Computational Fluid Dynamics
atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power (2010)10, 648-655 - Höhne, T.
Anwendung von CFD-Methoden für den Kern sowie den Primärkreislauf von LWR
atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 8/9(2009), 546-548 - Moncalvo, D.; Friedel, L.; Jörgensen, B. u. a.
Nachrechnung der Leistungsparameter eines Sicherheitsventils mit ANSYS CFX
Forschung im Ingenieurwesen - Engineering Research 73(2009)2, 99-103 (10.1007/s10010-009-0096-1) - Höhne, T.; Vallee, C.
Modelling of stratified two phase flows using an interfacial area density model
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
Fifth International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow, 15.-17.06.2009, New Forest, Großbritannien
CD-ROM - Höhne, T.; Vallee, C.
Modelling of stratified two phase flows using an interfacial area density model
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
Fifth International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow, 15.-17.06.2009, New Forest, Großbritannien - Höhne, T.; Vallee, C.
Modelling of stratified two phase flows using an interfacial area density model
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences Volume 63(2009), 123-135 - Da Silva, M. J.; Thiele, S.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Experimental studies and CFD calculations for buoyancy driven mixing phenomena
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240(2010)9, 2185-2193 - Moncalvo, L.; Friedel, B.; Jörgensen, T. u. a.
Sizing of safety valves using ANSYS CFX-Flo
Chemical Engineering & Technology 32(2009)2, 1-6 (10.1002/ceat.200800530) - Höhne, T.
CFD-simulation of the VVER thermal hydraulic benchmark V1000CT2 using ANSYS CFX
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2009(2009), Article ID 835162 (10.1155/2009/835162) - Moretti, F.; Melideo, D.; Del Nevo, A. u. a.
CFD validation against slug mixing experiment
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (2009), Article ID 436218 (10.1155/2009/436218) - Kliem, S.; Höhne, T.; Rohde, U. u. a.
Experiments on slug mixing under natural circulation conditions at the ROCOM test facility using high resolution measurement technique and numerical modeling
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
XCFD4NRS - Experiments and CFD Codes Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety, 10.-12.09.2008, Grenoble, France - Kliem, S.; Höhne, T.; Rohde, U. u. a.
Experiments on slug mixing under natural circulation conditions at the ROCOM test facility using high resolution measurement technique and numerical modeling
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
XCFD4NRS - Experiments and CFD Codes Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety, 10.-12.09.2008, Grenoble, Frankreich
Proceedings of the XCFD4NRS - Experiments and CFD Codes Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety, CDROM - Kliem, S.; Höhne, T.; Rohde, U. u. a.
Experiments on slug mixing under natural circulation conditions at the ROCOM test facility using high resolution measurement technique and numerical modeling
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240(2010)9, 2271-2280 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2009.11.015) - Rohde, U.; Höhne, T.; Krepper, E. u. a.
Application of CFD codes in nuclear reactor safety analysis
Eingeladener Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
TOPSAFE 2008, 01.-03.10.2008, Dubrovnik, Kroatia - Rohde, U.; Höhne, T.; Krepper, E. u. a.
Application of CFD codes in nuclear reactor safety analysis
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
TOPSAFE 2008, 01.-03.10.2008, Dubrovnik, Kroatia
CD-ROM. paper 099 - Rohde, U.; Höhne, T.; Krepper, E. u. a.
Application of CFD codes in nuclear reactor safety analysis
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2010(2010), Article ID 198758 (10.1155/2010/198758) - Bartosiewicz, Y.; Seynhaeve, J.-M.; Vallee, C. u. a.
Modeling free surface flows relevant to a PTS scenario: comparison between experimental data and three RANS based CFD-codes - Comments on the CFD-experiment integration and best practice guideline
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
XCFD4NRS - Experiments and CFD Code Applications to Nuclear Reactor Safety, 10.-12.09.2008, Grenoble, France
Paper HOR-01 - Bartosiewicz, Y.; Seynhaeve, J.-M.; Vallee, C. u. a.
Modeling free surface flows relevant to a PTS scenario: comparison between experimental data and three RANS based CFD-codes - Comments on the CFD-experiment integration and best practice guideline
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
XCFD4NRS - Experiments and CFD Code Applications to Nuclear Reactor Safety, 10.-12.09.2008, Grenoble, France - Bartosiewicz, Y.; Seynhaeve, J.-M.; Vallee, C. u. a.
Modeling free surface flows relevant to a PTS scenario: comparison between experimental data and three RANS based CFD-codes - Comments on the CFD-experiment integration and best practice guideline
Nuclear Engineering and Design 240(2010), 2375-2381 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2010.04.032) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Vaibar, R.
Experimental and numerical modeling of transition matrix from momentum to buoyancy-driven flow in a pressurized water reactor
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE16, 11.-15.05.2008, Orlando, USA
CD_ROM, 48490 - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Vaibar, R.
Experimental and numerical modeling of transition matrix from momentum to buoyancy-driven flow in a pressurized water reactor
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE16, 11.-15.05.2008, Orlando, USA - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Vaibar, R.
Experimental and numerical modeling of transition matrix from momentum to buoyancy-driven flow in a pressurized water reactor
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power - Transactions of the ASME 131(2009)1, 012906 (10.1115/1.2983137) - Kliem, S.; Hemström, B.; Bezrukov, Y. u. a.
Comparative evaluation of coolant mixing experiments at the ROCOM, Vattenfall, and Gidropress test facilities
Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations 2007(2007), 25950 (10.1155/2007/25950) - Kliem, S.; Hemström, B.; Bezrukov, Y. u. a.
Comparative evaluation of coolant mixing experiments at the ROCOM, Vattenfall, and Gidropress test facilities
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
Annual Meeting of the AER Working Group D, 08.-09.05.2007, Paris, France - Höhne, T.
Numerical simulation of coolant mixing in a pressurized water reactor with different CFD methods based on complex meshes
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology 3(2007)4, 399-412 (10.1504/IJNEST.2007.017080) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.
Modeling of a Buoyancy-Driven Flow experiment in Pressurized Water Reactors using CFD-Methods
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 39(2007)4, 327-336 - Moretti, F.; Melideo, D.; DAuria, F. u. a.
CFX simulations of ROCOM slug mixing experiments
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE15), 22.-26.04.2007, Nagoya, Japan
ICONE15-10461 - Moretti, F.; Melideo, D.; DAuria, F. u. a.
CFX simulations of ROCOM slug mixing experiments
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE15), 22.-26.04.2007, Nagoya, Japan - Moretti, F.; Melideo, D.; DAuria, F. u. a.
CFX simulations of ROCOM slug mixing experiments
Journal of Power and Energy Systems 2(2008)2, 720-733 (10.1299/jpes.2.720) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Rohde, U. u. a.
Boron Dilution Transients during natural circulation flow in PWR experiments and CFD simulations
Nuclear Engineering and Design 238(2008), 1987-1995 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2007.10.032) - Rohde, U.; Höhne, T.; Kliem, S. u. a.
Fluid mixing and flow distribution ín a primary circuit of a nuclear pressurized water reactor Validation of CFD codes
Nuclear Engineering and Design 237(2007)15-17, 1639-1655 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2007.03.015) - Cartland Glover, G. M.; Höhne, T.; Kliem, S. u. a.
Hydrodynamic phenomena in the downcomer during flow rate transients in the primary circuit of a PWR
Nuclear Engineering and Design 237(2007)7, 732-748 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2006.08.010) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Weiß, F.-P.
Modeling of a buoyancy-driven flow experiment at the ROCOM test facility using the CFD-Code ANSYS CFX
atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power 3(2007), 168-174 - Zaruba, A.; Lucas, D.; Prasser, H.-M. u. a.
Bubble-wall interactions in a vertical gas-liquid flow: bouncing, sliding and bubble deformations
Chemical Engineering Science 62(2007), 1591-1605 - Kliem, S.; Sühnel, T.; Rohde, U. u. a.
Experiments at the mixing test facility ROCOM for benchmarking of CFD-codes
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
OECD/NEA & IAEA Workshop: "Benchmarking of CFD Codes for Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety", 05.-07.09.2006, Garching, Germany
Proceedings CD-ROM paper A4-17, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France: OECD NEA - Kliem, S.; Sühnel, T.; Rohde, U. u. a.
Experiments at the mixing test facility ROCOM for benchmarking of CFD-codes
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
OECD/NEA & IAEA Workshop: "Benchmarking of CFD Codes for Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety", 05.-07.09.2006, Garching, Germany - Kliem, S.; Sühnel, T.; Rohde, U. u. a.
Experiments at the mixing test facility ROCOM for benchmarking of CFD-codes
Nuclear Engineering and Design 238(2008), 566-576 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2007.02.053) - Vallee, C.; Höhne, T.; Prasser, H.-M. u. a.
Experimental investigation and CFD simulation of horizontal stratified two-phase flow phenomena
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
CFD4NRS - Benchmarking of CFD Codes for Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety, 05.-07.09.2006, Garching, München, Germany
Paper A6-31 - Vallee, C.; Höhne, T.; Prasser, H.-M. u. a.
Experimental investigation and CFD simulation of horizontal stratified two-phase flow phenomena
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
CFD4NRS - Benchmarking of CFD Codes for Application to Nuclear Reactor Safety, 05.-07.09.2006, Garching, München, Germany - Vallee, C.; Höhne, T.; Prasser, H.-M. u. a.
Experimental investigation and CFD simulation of horizontal stratified two-phase flow phenomena
Nuclear Engineering and Design 238(2008), 637-646 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2007.02.051) - Rohde, U.; Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.
Simulating turbulent mixing in nuclear reactor pressure vessels
ANSYS Solutions 7(2006)2, 27-28 - Vallee, C.; Höhne, T.; Prasser, H.-M. u. a.
Experimental investigation and CFD simulation of horizontal air/water slug flow
Kerntechnik 71(2006)3, 95-103 - Kliem, S.; Kozmenkov, Y.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Analyses of the V1000CT-1 benchmark with the DYN3D/ATHLET and DYN3D/RELAP coupled code systems including a coolant mixing model validated against CFD calculations
Progress in Nuclear Energy 48(2006), 830-848 (10.1016/j.pnucene.2006.06.008) - Höhne, T.; Kliem, S.; Bieder, U.
Modeling of a buoyancy-driven flow experiment at the ROCOM test facility using the CFD-codes CFX-5 and TRIO_U
Nuclear Engineering and Design 236(2006)12, 1309-1325 (10.1016/j.nucengdes.2005.12.005) - Rohde, U.; Kliem, S.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Fluid mixing and flow distribution in the reactor circuit - Part 1: Measurement data base
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 235(2005), 421-443 - Hertlein, R.; Umminger, K.; Kliem, S. u. a.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Boron Dilution Transients in Pressurized Water Reactors
Nuclear Technology, vol. 141,January 2003, pp. 88-107 - Prasser, H.-M.; Grunwald, G.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Coolant mixing in a PWR - deboration transients, steam line breaks and emergency core cooling injection - experiments and analyses
Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag):
International Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), June 9-13, 2002 - Hollywood Florida, USA, Proc. CD-ROM, paper #1214. - Prasser, H.-M.; Grunwald, G.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Coolant mixing in a PWR - deboration transients, steam line breaks and emergency core cooling injection - experiments and analyses
Nuclear Technology 143 (2003) 37-56 - Prasser, H.-M.; Grunwald, G.; Höhne, T. u. a.
Coolant mixing in a PWR - deboration transients, steam line breaks and emergency core cooling injection - experiments and analyses
Beitrag zu Proceedings:
International Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), June 9-13, 2002 - Hollywood Florida, USA, Proc. CD-ROM, paper #1214. - Höhne, T.
Untersuchung der Kühlmittelvermischung in Druckwasserreaktoren
atw 12, S. 774-775 - Höhne, T.; Grunwald, G.; Prasser, H.-M.
Experimental Investigations on the Four-Loop Test Facility ROCOM
Kerntechnik 65/5-6, S. 212-215