
Julia Blöcker

Sekretariat/ Administration
fwh-sek@hzdr.de, j.bloeckerAthzdr.de
Tel.: +49 351 260 3527

Nicole Zimmermann

fwh-sek@hzdr.de, n.zimmermannAthzdr.de
Tel.: +49 351 260 3535

Next Call

Launch: April 15th, 2025

Deadline: May 15th, 2025

Here you find the online proposal form.

Further Information

Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory User Program

HLD logo

Every year, the HLD welcomes dozens of user groups from all around the globe. We offer them excellent research facilities and highly qualified support.

The HLD has accepted proposals for magnet time and hosted users since the beginning of 2007. The coils available at the HLD produce both high magnetic fields (above 70 T with 150 ms pulse length) and smaller ones (60 – 65 T, with 25 – 50 ms pulse lengths). Pulsed magnets up to 85 and 95 T with 10 ms pulse length have been commissioned in 2016.

We are now accepting proposals for experiments up to 85 T or even up to 95 T. Energy for the pulsed magnets is provided by a modular 50 MJ capacitor bank — the only of its kind in the world. The free-electron laser facility FELBE next door allows high-brilliance infrared radiation to be fed into the pulsed field cells of the HLD, thus enabling unique high-field magneto-optical experiments in the 4 to 250 µm range.

How to get magnet time

Proposals for experiments in pulsed high magnetic fields will be accepted in two calls per year. The submission deadlines are usually on May 15 and November 15. Experiments of accepted proposals should be performed within the following year. The proposals are administrated and evaluated in the frame of the EMFL user program. In order to discuss details for the experiments, we strongly recommend to contact the local staff of the HLD. 

  • The deadline for proposals for magnet time is May 15th, 2025!
  • Please use the application form for magnet time on the EMFL webpage.

  • Here you find detailed information.

  • Here you may download the EMFL user flyer.


Please use the following acknowledgement phrase in your publications on high field experiments performed at the HLD:

"This work was supported by HLD-HZDR, member of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL)."

UK Users (everyone with an affiliation from a university located in the UK) should use the following acknowledgement phrase:

"This work was supported by HLD-HZDR, member of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) and by EPSRC (UK) via its membership to the EMFL (grant no. EP/N01085X/1)."

Users from Poland (everyone with an affiliation from a university located in Poland) should use the following acknowledgement phrase:

"This work was supported by HLD-HZDR, member of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) and by the Ministry of Education and Science, Poland (grant no. DIR/WK/2018/07) via its membership to the EMFL."


Safety Rules at the HLD

Please consider our ten safety-at-work rules before starting your experiments at the HLD.

Internal link to the user data bank of the HLD Access is password limited.