In situ investigation of thin film synthesis

The last few years have seen an increasing interest in in situ x-ray diffraction experiments, because such techniques are a powerful tool to monitor chemical reaction and synthesis. For such a purpose a DC magnetron sputtering chamber is on duty at ROBL-MRH. One interesting system under investigation is the production of thin MAX-film. MAX phases have interesting properties like high thermal and oxidation resistance like ceramic and thermal conductivity and resistivity in the same order like metals. The shown investigation focuses on the phase formation of Ti2AlN onto MgO (111) at different sample temperatures during deposition. Interestingly the orientation of the grown phase onto the substrate shows a strong temperature dependency. At high temperatures of 675°C Ti2AlN{0002} is parallel to MgO{111} while at 600°C it is Ti2AlN{10-12}. So this technique allows determination and optimization the synthesis parameter very precisely.








Beckers M., Schell N., Martins R. M. S., Mucklich A., Moller W., and Hultman L. (2006) Microstructure and nonbasal-plane growth of epitaxial Ti2AlN thin films. Journal of Applied Physics 99, 052508.


Hoglund C., Beckers M., Schell N., von Borany J., Birch J., and Hultman L. (2007) Topotaxial growth of Ti2AlN by solid state reaction in AlN/Ti(0001) multilayer thin films. Applied Physics Letters 90, 174106.