Terahertz spectroscopy and its high-field applications & EuroMagNET II user meeting
14-16 June 2010: Workshop at Forschungzentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD), Dresden, Germany
Manfred Helm, Jochen Wosnitza, Sergei Zvyagin, Harald Schneider, Stephan Winnerl, Dominik Stehr (Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Wim van der Zande, Hans Engelkamp (Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL)
Goal and background:
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers working in the field of THz spectroscopy, mainly of solids. This includes spectroscopy using short-pulse, high-power sources as well as broad-band sources, but also microscopy and imaging. A further focus will be THz spectroscopy in high magnetic fields (including high-frequency / high-field ESR).
A motivation for this workshop relates to the fact that at FZD the short-pulse THz/infrared free-electron laser FELBE is being operated as a user facility (funded as a transnational access facility in the EU project ELISA), and is in fact connected to the Dresden pulsed high-magnetic field laboratory HLD (funded as a transnational access facility in the EU project EuroMagNET II). In addition, it is planned to extend the facilities with an accelerator-based broad-band high-power source of coherent THz radiation within the next few years. A further important aspect relates to the fact that presently a new THz free-electron laser (FLARE) is being constructed at the high-magnetic field lab in Nijmegen.
The THz workshop will actually take place the first two days (14-15 June), while the third day (16 June) will be devoted to a EuroMagNET II user meeting, covering all aspects of high-magnetic-field experiments (not only spectroscopy).
FEL Scheme |
FEL-Autocorrelation |
Planned schedule:
Monday, 14 June: THz spectroscopy
Tuesday, 15 June: THz spectroscopy in high magnetic fields; special session on electron spin resonance.
Wednesday, 16 June: EuroMagNET II User Meeting
>> The workshop will consist mostly of invited talks. In addition, some slots for contributed talks will be kept open, and, depending on the submissions, a poster session may take place as well.
Submission deadline for contributed talks and posters: 30 April 2010. Please send a half-page page abstract to thz2010@fzd.de.
Participation and registration
Registration fee is 100 Euro payable either by cash on arrival or by transferring money to
Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Keyword "thz2010" (and mention the participant's name)
Account No. 0402657300
at Commerzbank Dresden (BLZ 85080000)
or from abroad
IBAN: DE42 85080000 0402657300
However, we will probably be able to support accommodation and travel of most participants.
To register, please send an e-mail to thz2010@fzd.de by 30 April 2010, indicating your name, address and arrival/departure date.
Travel and Accommodation
Dresden can be reached by plane directly from numerous German cities as well as from Vienna and Zürich, and of course by train and car. The workshop will take place at Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, located about 15 km east of the city center. For instructions, please visit http://www.fzd.de/db/Cms?pNid=281.
Accommodation: We will soon give a list of recommended hotels.