Publication List of Shengqiang Zhou
175) F. Liu, M. Wang, Y. Berencén, S. Prucnal, M. Engler, R. Hübner, Y. Yuan, R. Heller, R. Böttger, L. Rebohle, W. Skorupa, M. Helm and S. Zhou, On the insulator-to-metal transition in titanium-implanted silicon, Scientific Reports 8, 4164 (2018).
174) Y. Yuan, M. Wang, C. Xu, R. Hübner, R. Böttger, R. Jakiela, M. Helm, M. Sawicki, S. Zhou, Electronic phase separation in insulating (Ga, Mn) As with low compensation: super-paramagnetism and hopping conduction, J. Phys.: Conden. Matter 30, 095801 (2018).
173) M. Lonsky, J. Teschabai-Oglu, K. Pierz, S. Sievers, H. W. Schumacher, Y. Yuan, B. Böttger, S. Zhou, J. Müller. Investigation of a possible electronic phase separation in the magnetic semiconductors Ga1−xMnxAs and Ga1−xMnxP by means of fluctuation spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B 97, 054413 (2018).
172) W. J. Nie, Y. X. Zhang, H. H. Yu, R. Li, R. Y. He, N. N. Dong, J. Wang, R. Hübner, R. Böttger, S. Q. Zhou, H. Amekura, F. Chen, Plasmonic nanoparticles embedded in single crystals synthesized by gold ion implantation for enhanced optical nonlinearity and efficient Q-switched lasing, Nanoscale 10, 4228-4236 (2018).
171) Y. Yuan, T. Amarouche, C. Xu, A. Rushforth, R. Boettger, K. Edmonds, R. Campion, B. Gallagher, M. Helm, H. von Bardeleben, S. Zhou, Switching the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy by ion irradiation induced compensation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 145001 (2018).
170) Zhitao Zhang, Chi Xu, Daryna Dmytriieva, Sebastian Molatta, J. Wosnitza, Y. Wang, Manfred Helm, Shengqiang Zhou and Hannes Kuehne, Monovacancy paramagnetism in neutron-irradiated graphite probed by <sup>13</sup>C NMR, J. Phys.: Conden. Matter, 29, 465801 (2017).
169) S. Prucnal, J. Frigerio, E. Napolitani, A. Ballabio, Y. Berencén, L. Rebohle, M. Wang, R. Boettger, M. Voelskow, G. Isella, R. Hübner, M. Helm, S. Zhou, W. Skorupa, In-situ ohmic contact formation for n-type Ge via non-equilibrium processing, Semicond. Sci. & Tech., 32, 115006 (2017).
168) Y. Yuan, C. Xu, R. Hübner, R. Jakiela, R. Böttger, M. Helm, M. Sawicki, T. Dietl, S. Zhou, Interplay between localization and magnetism in (Ga,Mn)As and (In,Mn)As, Phys. Rev. Mater. 1, 054401 (2017).
167) Y. Liu, Z. Li, L. Guo, X. Chen, Y. Yuan, C. Xu, R. Hübner, S. Akhmadaliev, A. V. Krasheninnikov, A. T. N'Diaye, E. Arenholz, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Towards diluted magnetism in TaAs , Phys. Rev. Mater. 1, 044203 (2017).
166) F. Liu, S. Prucnal, Y. Berencén, Z. Zhang, Y. Yuan, Y. Liu, R. Heller, R. Boettger, L. Rebohle, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Realizing the insulator-to-metal transition in Se-hyperdoped Si via non-equilibrium material processing, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 50, 415102 (2017).
165) L. Ma, Y. Tan, M. Ghorbani-Asl, R. Boettger, S. Kretschmer, S. Zhou, Z. Huang, A. V. Krasheninnikov and F. Chen, Tailoring the optical properties of atomically-thin WS2 via ion irradiation, Nanoscale 9, 11027-11034 (2017).
164) S. Prucnal, J. Wu, Y. Berencen, M. O. Liedke, A. Wagner, F. Liu, M. Wang, L. Rebohle, S. Zhou, H. Cai, W. Skorupa, Engineering of optical and electrical properties of ZnO by non-equilibrium thermal processing: The role of zinc interstitials and zinc vacancies, J. Appl. Phys. 122, 035303 (2017).
163) G. Zhang, T. Samuely, Z. Xu, J. Jochum, A. Volodin, S. Zhou, P. W. May, O. Onufriienko, J. Kačmarčík, J. A. Steele, J. Li, J. Vanacken, J. Vacík, P. Szabó, H. Yuan, M. Roeffaers, D. Cerbu, P. Samuely, J. Hofkens, and V. V. Moshchalkov, Superconducting Ferromagnetic Nanodiamond, ACS Nano 11, 5358–5366 (2017).
162) Y. Liu, Y. Yuan, F. Liu, R. Böttger, W. Anwand, Y. Wang, A. Semisalova, A. N. Ponomaryov, X. Lu, A. T. N’Diaye, E. Arenholz, V. Heera, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, and S. Zhou, Interaction between magnetic moments and itinerant carriers in d0 ferromagnetic SiC, Phys. Rev. B 95, 195309 (2017).
161) Z. T. Zhang, D. Dmytriieva, S. Molatta, J. Wosnitza, Y. Wang, M. Helm, S. Zhou, H. Kühne, Defect-induced magnetism in SiC probed by nuclear magnetic resonance, Phys. Rev. B 95, 085203 (2017).
160) Y. Su, J. Falgenhauer, T. Leichtweiß, M. Geiß, C. Lupó, A. Polity, S. Zhou, J. Obel, D. Schlettwein, J. Janek, B. Meyer, Electrochemical properties and optical transmission of high Li+ conducting LiSiPON electrolyte films, Physica Status Solidi (B) 254, 1600088 (2017).
159) R. Li, N. Dong, C. Cheng, F. Ren, R. Hübner, J. Wang, S. Zhou, F. Chen, Giant Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Response in Nd:YAG Single Crystals by Embedded Silver Nanoparticles, ACS Omega 2, 1279-1286 (2017).
158) Y. Berencén, S. Prucnal, F. Liu, I. Skorupa, R. Hübner, L. Rebohle, S. Zhou, H. Schneider, M. Helm, W. Skorupa, Room-temperature short-wavelength infrared Si photodetector, Scientific Reports 7, 43688 (2017).
157) S. Zhou, L. Li, Y. Yuan, A. W. Rushforth, L. Chen, Y. Wang, R. Boettger, R. Heller, J. Zhao, K. W. Edmonds, R. P. Campion, B. L. Gallagher, C. Timm, M. Helm, Precise tuning of the Curie temperature of (Ga,Mn)As-based magnetic semiconductors by hole compensation: Support for valence-band ferromagnetism, Phys. Rev. B 95, 075205 (2016).
156) Y. Liu, R. Pan, X. Zhang, J. Han, Q. Yuan, Y. Tian, Y. Yuan, F. Liu, Y. Wang, A. T. N'Diaye, E. Arenholz, X. Chen, Y. Sun, B. Song, S. Zhou, Vacancy Defect Complexes in Silicon: Charge and Spin Order, Phys. Rev. B 94, 195204 (2016).
155) F. Liu, S. Prucnal, R. Hübner, Y. Yuan, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Suppressing the cellular breakdown in silicon supersaturated with titanium, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 49, 245104 (2016).
154) Y. Tan, Z. Guo, Z. Shang, F. Liu, R. Böttger, S. Zhou, J. Shao, X. Yu, H. Zhang, F. Chen, Tailoring nonlinear optical properties of Bi2Se3 through ion irradiation, Scientific Reports 6(2016), 21799 (2016).
153) E. Gan'Shina, L. Golik, Z. Kun'Kova, I. Bykov, A. Novikov, A. Rukovishnikov, Y. Yuan, G. Zykov, R. Böttger, S. Zhou, Transversal Kerr effect of In1− x Mn x As layers prepared by ion implantation followed by pulsed laser annealing, Jpn J. Appl. Phys. 55, 07MF02 (2016).
152) Y. Tan, L. Chen, D. Wang, Y. Chen, S. Akhmadaliev, S. Zhou, M. Hong, F. Chen, Tunable Picosecond Laser Pulses via the Contrast of Two Reverse Saturable Absorption Phases in a Waveguide Platform, Scientific Reports 6, 26176 (2016).
151) S. Prucnal, F. Liu, M. Voelskow, L. Vines, L. Rebohle, D. Lang, Y. Berencén, S. Andric, R. Boettger, M. Helm, S. Zhou, W. SkorupaUltra-doped n-type germanium thin films for sensing in the mid-infrared, Scientific Reports 6, 27643 (2016).
150) A. B. Drovosekov, N. M. Kreines, A. O. Savitsky, S. V. Kapelnitsky, V. V. Rylkov, V. V. Tugushev, G. V. Prutskov, O. A. Novodvorskii, E. A. Cherebilo, E. T. Kulatov, Y. Wang, S. Zhou, Magnetic anisotropy peculiarities of high-temperature ferromagnetic MnxSi1−x (x ≈ 0.5) alloy films, EPL - Europhys. Lett. 115, 37008 (2016).
149) L. Meng, C. Xu, Y. Yuan, Y. Qi, S. Zhou, L. Li, Magnetic properties and giant reversible magnetocaloric effect in the GdCoC2 compound, RSC Adv. 6, 74765-74768 (2016).
148) Y. Xie, X. Chen, Z. Zhang, W. Song, S. Zhou, Z. Yang, Magnetocapacitance in CdCr1.8In0.2S4 Single Crystal Annealed in Cadmium Vapor, IEEE Tran. Magn. 52, 2501404 (2016).
147) Y. Liu, Z. Li, L. Guo, X. Chen, Y. Yuan, F. Liu, S. Prucnal, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Intrinsic diamagnetism in the Weyl semimetal TaAs, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 408, 73-76 (2016).
146) S. Prucnal, F. Liu, Y. Berencén, L. Vines, L. Bischoff, J. Grenzer, S. Andric, S. Tiagulskyi, K. Pyszniak, M. Turek, A. Drozdziel, M. Helm, S. Zhou, W. Skorupa, Enhancement of carrier mobility in thin Ge layer by Sn co-doping, Semi. Sci. & Technol. 31, 105012 (2016).
145) R. Bouzerar, D. May, U. Löw, D. Machon, P. Melinon, S. Zhou, G. Bouzerar, Carrier-induced ferromagnetism in the insulating Mn-doped III-V semiconductor InP, Phys. Rev. B 94, 094437 (2016).
144) Y. Liu, L. Chen, D. Hilliard, Q.-S. Huang, F. Liu, M. Wang, R. Böttger, R. Hübner, A. T. N'Diaye, E. Arenholz, V. Heera, W. Skorupa, S. Zhou, Controllable growth of vertically aligned graphene on C-face SiC
Scientific Reports 6, 34814 (2016).
143) H. Amekura, S. Akhmadaliev, S. Zhou, F. Chen, A possible new origin of long absorption tail in Nd-doped yttrium aluminum garnet induced by 15 MeV gold-ion irradiation and heat treatment, J. Appl. Phys. 119, 173104 (2016).
142) P. Satyarthi, S. Ghosh, Y. Wang, S. Zhou, D. Bürger, I. Skorupa, H. Schmidt, L. Olivi, P. Srivastava, Direct evidence of defect coordination and magnetic interaction in local structure of wurtzite type Zn1-xCoxO thin films,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 670, 113-122 (2016).
141) Y. Yuan, R. Hübner, F. Liu, M. Sawicki, O. Gordan, G. Salvan, D. R. T. Zahn, D. Banerjee, C. Baehtz, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Ferromagnetic Mn-Implanted GaP: Microstructures vs Magnetic Properties
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 8, 3912-3918 (2016).
140) S. Nikolaev, A. Semisalova, V. Rylkov, V. Tugushev, A. Zenkevich, A. Vasiliev, E. Pashaev, K. Chernoglazov, Y. Chesnokov, I. Likhachev, N. Perov, Yu. Matveyev, O. Novodvorskii, E. Kulatov, A. Bugaev, Y. Wang, S. Zhou, Ferromagnetism of MnxSi1-x (x~0.5) films grown in the shadow geometry by pulsed laser deposition method, AIP Advances 6, 015020 (2016).
139) Y. Tan, L. Ma, Sh. Akhmadaliev, S. Zhou, F. Chen, Ion irradiated Er:YAG ceramic cladding waveguide amplifier in C and L bands, Optical Materials Express 6, 711-716 (2016).
138) X. Pan, Y. Shuai, C. Wu, W. Luo, X. Sun, H. Zeng, S. Zhou, R. Böttger, X. Ou, T. Mikolajick, W. Zhang, H. Schmidt, Rectifying filamentary resistive switching in ion-exfoliated LiNbO3 thin films,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 032904 (2016).
137) S. Prucnal, K. Gao, I. Skorupa, L. Rebohle, L. Vines, H. Schmidt, M. Khalid, Y. Wang, E. Weschke, W. Skorupa, J. Grenzer, R. Huebner, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Bandgap narrowing in Mn doped GaAs probed by room-temperature photoluminescence, Phys. Rev. B 92, 224407 (2015).
136) Y. Wang, Y. Liu, E. Wendler, R. Hübner, W. Anwand, G. Wang, X. Chen, W. Tong, Z. Yang, F. Munnik, G. Bukalis, X. Chen, S. Gemming, M. Helm, and S. Zhou, Defect-induced magnetism in SiC: Interplay between ferromagnetism and paramagnetism, Phys. Rev. B 92, 174409 (2015).
135) S. Zhou, Dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors prepared by the combination of ion implantation with pulse laser melting (Topic Review), J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48, 263001 (2015).
134) Y. Yuan, Y. Wang, K. Gao, M. Khalid, C. Wu, W. Zhang, F. Munnik, E. Weschke, C. Baehtz, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, High Curie temperature and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in homoepitaxial InMnAs films
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48, 235002 (2015).
133) H. Cai, P. Liang, R. Hübner, S. Zhou, Y. Li, J. Sun, N. Xu, J. Wu, Composition and bandgap control of AlxGa1−xN films synthesized by plasma-assisted pulsed laser deposition, J. Mater. Chem. C 3, 5307-5315 (2015).
132) Y. Wang, Y. Liu, G. Wang, W. Anwand, C. A. Jenkins, E. Arenholz, F. Munnik, O. D. Gordan, G. Salvan, D. R. T. Zahn, X. Chen, S. Gemming, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Carbon p Electron Ferromagnetism in Silicon Carbide, Scientific Reports, 5, 8999 (2015).
131) S. Zhou, F. Liu, S. Prucnal, K. Gao, M. Khalid, C. Baehtz, M. Posselt, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, Hyperdoping silicon with selenium: solid vs. liquid phase epitaxy, Scientific Reports, 5, 8329 (2015).
130) M. Khalid, K. Gao, E. Weschke, R. Huebner, C. Baehtz, O. Gordan, G. Salvan, D.R.T. Zahn, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, A comprehensive study of the magnetic, structural and transport properties of the III-V ferromagnetic semiconductor InMnP, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 043906 (2015).
129) Y. Tan, H. Zhang, C. Zhao, Sh. Akhmadaliev, S. Zhou, and F. Chen, Bi2Se3 Q-switched Nd:YAG ceramic waveguide laser, Opt. Lett. 40, 637-640 (2015).
128) X. Shen, X. Qiu, D. Su, S. Zhou, A. Li and D. Wu, Thickness-dependent metal-insulator transition in epitaxial SrRuO3 ultrathin films, J. Appl. Phys. 117, 015307 (2015).
127) Y. Wang, P. Pochet, C. A. Jenkins, E. Arenholz, G. Bukalis, S. Gemming, M. Helm and S. Zhou, Defect-induced magnetism in graphite through neutron irradiation, Phys. Rev. B 90, 214435 (2014).
126) Y. Yuan, Y. Wang, M. Khalid1, K. Gao, S. Prucnal, O. Gordan, G. Salvan, D. R. T. Zahn, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, and S. Zhou, Ferromagnetic GaMnP Prepared by Ion Implantation and Pulsed Laser Annealing, IEEE Trans. Magn. 50, 2401304 (2014).
125) S. Prucnal, M. Glaser, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, M. Stöger-Pollach, S. Zhou, M. Helm, D. Reichel, L. Rebohle, M. Turek, J. Zuk, W. Skorupa, III–V semiconductor nanocrystal formation in silicon nanowires via liquid-phase epitaxy, Nano Res. 7, 1769-1776 (2014).
124) S. Prucnal, K. Gao, S. Zhou, J. Wu, H. Cai, O. D. Gordan, D. R. T. Zahn, G. Larkin, M. Helm, W. Skorupa, Optoelectronic properties of ZnO film on silicon after SF6 plasma treatment and milliseconds annealing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 221903 (2014).
123) K. Gao, S. Prucnal, R. Huebner, C. Baehtz, I. Skorupa, Y. Wang, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Ge(1-x)Sn(x) alloys synthesized by ion implantation and pulsed laser melting, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 042107 (2014).
122) K. Gao, S. Prucnal, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Formation and photoluminescence of GaAs(1-x)N(x) dilute nitride achieved by N-implantation and flash lamp annealing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 012107 (2014).
121) Y. Tan, C. Chen, Sh. Akhmadaliev, S. Zhou, F. Chen, Nd:YAG waveguide laser Q-switched by evanescent-field interaction with graphene, Optics Express 22, 9101-9106 (2014).
120) M. Khalid, S. Prucnal, M. O. Liedke, K. Gao, S. Facsko, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Synthesis and characterization of MnAs and MnP nanoclusters embedded in III–V semiconductors, Materials Research Express 1, 026105 (2014).
119) Q. Luan, Y. Jia, Y. Wang, Sh. Akhmadaliev, S. Zhou, J. de Aldana, Y. Tan, F. Chen, Optical ridge waveguides in 4H-SiC single crystal produced by combination of carbon ion irradiation and femtosecond laser ablation, Optical Materials Express 4, 1166-1171 (2014).
118) S. Zhou, Defect-induced ferromagnetism in semiconductors: a controllable approach by particle irradiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 326, 55-60 (2014).
117) M. Khalid, E. Weschke, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Ferromagnetism and impurity band in a magnetic semiconductor: InMnP, Phys. Rev. B 89, 121301(R), (2014).
116) Y. Wang, L. Li, S. Prucnal, X. Chen, W. Tong, Z. Yang, F. Munnik, K. Potzger, W. Skorupa, S. Gemming, M. Helm, and S. Zhou, Disentangling defect-induced ferromagnetism in SiC, Phys. Rev. B 89, 014417 (2014).
115) Y. Wang, X. Chen, L. Li, A. Shalimov, W. Tong, S. Prucnal, F. Munnik, Z. Yang, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, S. Zhou, Structural and magnetic properties of irradiated SiC, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17C104, (2014).
114) Y. Tan, Ch. Akhmadaliev, S. Zhou, S. Sun, F. Chen, Guided continuous-wave and graphene-based Q-switched lasers in carbon ion irradiated Nd:YAG ceramic channel waveguide, Optics Express 22, 3572-3577 (2014).
113) S. Prucnal, S. Zhou, X. Ou, S. Facsko, M. O. Liedke, F. Bregolin, B. Liedke, J. Grebing, M. Fritzsche, R. Hübner, A. Mücklich, L. Rebohle, M. Helm, M. Turek, A. Drozdziel, W. Skorupa, III-V/Si on silicon-on-insulator platform for hybrid nanoelectronics, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 074306, (2014).
112) R. Bommali, S. Ghosh, G. V. Prakash, K. Gao, S. Zhou, S. A. Khan, P. Srivastava, Hydrogen Plasma Induced Modification of Photoluminescence from a-SiN(x):H Thin Films, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 053525 (2014).
111) Y. Sheng, W. Rui, X. Qiu, J. Du, S. Zhou, Q. Xu, The multiferroic properties of polycrystalline Bi1-xYxFeO3 films, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 17D902, (2014).
110) K. Gao, S. Prucnal, A. Mücklich, W. Skorupa, S. Zhou, Fabrication of Si1-xGex Alloy on Silicon by Ge-Ion-Implantation and Short-Time-Annealing, Acta Physica Polonica A 123, 858-861 (2013).
109) Kun Gao, S. Prucnal, W. Skorupa, M. Helm and Shengqiang Zhou, Origin and enhancement of the 1.3 μm luminescence from GaAs treated by ion-implantation and flash lamp annealing, J. Appl. Phys. 114, 093511 (2013).
108) Y. M. Xie, Z. R. Yang, Z. T. Zhang, L. H. Yin, X. L. Chen, W. H. Song, Y. P. Sun, S. Zhou, W. Tong, Y. H. Zhang, Magnetic-polaron–induced colossal magnetocapacitance in CdCr2S4, Europhysics Letters 104, 17005 (2013).
107) Y. Tan, Q. Luan, F. Liu, Sh. Akhmadaliev, S. Zhou, F. Chen, Swift carbon ion irradiated Nd:YAG ceramic optical waveguide amplifier, Optics Express 21, 13992-13997 (2013).
106) Xin Ou, Yao Shuai, Wenbo Luo, Pablo F. Siles, Reinhard Kögler, Jan Fiedler, Helfried Reuther, Shengqiang Zhou, René Hübner, Stefan Facsko, Manfred Helm, Thomas Mikolajick, Oliver G. Schmidt, Heidemarie Schmidt, Forming-free resistive switching in multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films with enhanced nanoscale shunts, ACS appl. materials & interfaces (2013).
105) Yao Shuai, Xin Ou, Wenbo Luo, Arndt Mücklich, Danilo Bürger, Shengqiang Zhou, Chuangui Wu, Yuanfu Chen, Wanli Zhang, Manfred Helm, Thomas Mikolajick, Oliver G. Schmidt, Heidemarie Schmidt, Key concepts behind forming-free resistive switching incorporated with rectifying transport properties, Scientific Reports, 3, 2208 (2013).
104) Y. Shuai, X. Ou, W. Luo, N. Du, C. Wu, W. Zhang, D. Bürger, C. Mayr, R. Schüffny, S. Zhou, M. Helm, H. Schmidt, Nonvolatile Multilevel Resistive Switching in Ar+ Irradiated BiFeO3 Thin Films, IEEE Electron Device Letters 34, 54 (2013).
103) W. B. Luo, J. Jing, Y. Shuai, J. Zhu, W. L. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. Gemming, N. Du, H. Schmidt, Epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 (0 0 1) films on multilayer buffered GaN (0 0 0 2) by pulsed laser deposition, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 065307 (2013).
102) W. Luo, J. Zhu, Y. Shuai, W. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Zhou, S. Gemming, H. Schmidt, Effects of the TiO2 buffer thickness on SrTiO3 (111) epitaxial films grown on GaN (0002), J. Appl. Phys. 113, 154103 (2013).
101) Xin Ou, Reinhard Kögler, Hong-Bo Zhou, Wolfgang Anwand, Jörg Grenzer, René Hübner, Matthias Voelskow, Maik Butterling, Shengqiang Zhou, and Wolfgang Skorupa, Release of helium from vacancy defects in yttria-stabilized zirconia under irradiation, Phys. Rev. B 86, 224103 (2012). Full version DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.224103.
100) Slawomir Prucnal, Shengqiang Zhou, Xin Ou, Helfried Reuther, Maciej Oskar Liedke, Arndt Mücklich, Manfred Helm, Jerzy Zuk, Marcin Turek, Krzysztof Pyszniak and Wolfgang Skorupa, InP nanocrystals on silicon for optoelectronic applications, Nanotechnology 23, 485204 (2012). Full version DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/23/48/485204.
99) Slawomir Prucnal, Kun Gao, Wolfgang Anwand, Manfred Helm, Wolfgang Skorupa, Shengqiang Zhou, Temperature stable 1.3 μm emission from GaAs, Optics Express, 20, 26075-26081 (2012), Open access, Free full version.
98) Xinqiang Wang, Shitao Liu, Dingyu Ma, Xiantong Zheng, Guang Chen, Fujun Xu, Ning Tang, Bo Shen, Peng Zhang, Xingzhong Cao, Baoyi Wang, Sen Huang, Kevin J. Chen, Shengqiang Zhou, and Akihiko Yoshikawa, Fe-doped InN layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 171905 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1063/1.4764013.
97) Shengqiang Zhou, Yutian Wang, Zenan Jiang, Eugen Weschke, and Manfred Helm, Ferromagnetic InMnAs on InAs Prepared by Ion Implantation and Pulsed Laser Annealing, Appl. Phys. Express 5, 093007 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1143/APEX.5.093007.
96) Yuechen Jia, Ningning Dong, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou, Ridge waveguide lasers in Nd:GGG crystals produced by swift carbon ion irradiation and femtosecond laser ablation, Optics Express, 20, 9763-9768 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1364/OE.20.009763.
95) Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, Javier R. Vázquez de Aldana, Sh. Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou, Femtosecond laser micromachining of Nd:GdCOB ridge waveguides for second harmonic generation, Optical Materials, 34, 1913–1916 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2012.05.032.
94) Danilo Buerger, Michael Seeger, Shengqiang Zhou, Wolfgang Skorupa, Heidemarie Schmidt, 3d transition metal diffusion in diluted magnetic Si and GaAs prepared by pulsed laser processing, J. Appl. Phys., 111, 054914 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1063/1.3689156.
93) Lin Li, Wei Hua, Slawomir Prucnal, Shu-De Yao, Lin Shao, Kay Potzger, and Shengqiang Zhou, Defect induced ferromagnetism in 4H-SiC single crystals, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 275, 33-36 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2011.09.022.
92) Yao Shuai, Xin Ou, Chuangui Wu, Wanli Zhang, Shengqiang Zhou, Danilo Buerger, Helfried Reuther, Stefan Slesazeck, Thomas Mikolajick, Manfred Helm, and Heidemarie Schmidt, Substrate effect on the resistive switching in BiFeO3 thin films, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07D906 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1063/1.3672840.
91) Xinqiang Wang, Shitao Liu, Nan Ma, Li Feng, Guang Chen, Fujun Xu, Ning Tang, Sen Huang, Kevin J. Chen, Shengqiang Zhou, and Bo Shen, High-Electron-Mobility InN Layers Grown by Boundary-Temperature-Controlled Epitaxy, Appl. Phys. Express 5, 015502 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1143/APEX.5.015502.
90) P. Srivastava, S. Ghosh, B. Joshi, P. Satyarthi, P. Kumar, D. Kanjilal, D. Buerger, S. Zhou, H. Schmidt, A. Rogalev and F. Wilhelm, Probing origin of room temperature ferromagnetism in Ni ion implanted ZnO films with X-ray absorption spectroscopy, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 013715 (2012). Full version DOI: 10.1063/1.3676260.
89) Danilo Buerger, Shengqiang Zhou, Marcel Höwler, Xin Ou, Gyorgy Janos Kovacs, Helfried Reuther, Arndt Muecklich, Wolfgang Skorupa, Manfred Helm, Heidemarie Schmidt, Hysteretic anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnetic, Mn-rich Ge:Mn nanonet, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 012406 (2012), Full version DOI: 10.1063/1.3674981.
88) Binfeng Ding, Fengfeng Cheng, Feng Pan, Tao Fa, Shude Yao, Kay Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou,The correlation between structure and magnetism of Ni-implanted TiO2 annealed at different temperatures, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 324, 33-36 (2012).
87) Jin Yang, Chao Zhang, Feng Chen, Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou, Planar optical waveguides in Bi4Ge3O12 crystal fabricated by swift heavy-ion irradiation, Applied Optics, 50, 6678–6681 (2011). Full version: DOI 10.1364/AO.50.006678.
86) Lin Li, S.D. Yao, O. Roshchupkina, S. Prucnal, S. Akhmadaliev, R.P. Campion, A.W. Rushforth, J. Fassbender, M. Helm, B.L. Gallagher, C. Timm, H. Schmidt, Shengqiang Zhou, Characterization and local magnetic modification of ion irradiated GaMnAs, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 269, 2469-2473 (2011).
85) Yao, Shuai, Shengqiang Zhou, Chuangui Wu, Wanli Zhang, D. Bürger, S. Slesazeck, T. Mikolajick, M. Helm, and H. Schmidt, Control of Rectifying and Resistive Switching Behavior in BiFeO3 Thin Films, Appl. Phys. Express 4 (2011) 095802. Full version: arXiv:1108.3454v1, DOI:10.1143/APEX.4.095802
84) Yao, Shuai, Shengqiang Zhou, D. Bürger, M. Helm, and H. Schmidt, Nonvolatile bipolar resistive switching in Au/BiFeO3/Pt, J. Appl. Phys., 109, 124117 (2011). Full version: arXiv:1105.3827v1, DOI:10.1063/1.3601113.
83) Yingying Ren, Yuechen Jia, Feng Chen, Qingming Lu, Sh. Akhmadaliev, and Shengqiang Zhou, Second harmonic generation of swift carbon ion irradiated Nd:GdCOB waveguides, Optics Express 19, 12490–12495 (2011).
82) Lin Li, S. Prucnal, S. D. Yao, K. Potzger, W. Anwand, A. Wagner, and Shengqiang Zhou, Rise and fall of defect induced ferromagnetism in SiC single crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 222508 (2011). Full version: arXiv:1106.0966v1, DOI:10.1063/1.3597629.
81) Yao Shuai , Shengqiang Zhou , Stephan Streit , Helfried Reuther , Danilo Bürger, Stefan Slesazeck , Thomas Mikolajick , Manfred Helm , and Heidemarie Schmidt, Reduced leakage current in BiFeO3 thin films with rectifying contacts, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 232901 (2011). Full version: arXiv:1105.3825v1, DOI:10.1063/1.3597794.
80) Yao Shuai, Shengqiang Zhou, Danilo Bürger, Helfried Reuther, Ilona Skorupa, Varun John, Manfred Helm, and Heidemarie Schmidt, Decisive role of oxygen vacancy in ferroelectric versus ferromagnetic Mn-doped BaTiO3 thin films, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 084105 (2011).
79) Hardeep Kumar, Santanu Ghosh, Danilo Bürger, Lin Li, Shengqiang Zhou, Debdulal Kabiraj, Devesh Kumar Avasthi, Rainer Grötzschel, and Heidemarie Schmidt, Role of Coulomb blockade and spin-flip scattering in tunneling magnetoresistance of FeCo-Si-O nanogranular films, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 073914 (2011).
78) Lin Li, S D Yao, Shengqiang Zhou, D Bürger, O Roshchupkina, S Akhmadaliev, A W Rushforth, R P Campion, J Fassbender, M Helm, B L Gallagher, C Timm and H Schmidt, Tailoring the magnetism of GaMnAs films by ion irradiation, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44 099501 (2011).
Before 2011
77) Shengqiang Zhou and H. Schmidt, Mn doped Ge and Si: a review of the experimental status (invited), Materials 3, 5054-5082 (2010).
76) Y. Shuai, S. Zhou and H. Schmidt, Electrical and magnetic properties of polycrystalline Mn-doped BaTiO3 thin films grown on Pt/Sapphire substrates by pulsed laser deposition, Adv. Sci. Technol. 67, 212-217 (2010).
75) C. Baumgart, S. Zhou, M. Helm and H. Schmidt, Raster-Kelvinkraft-Mikroskopie zur quantitativen Dotierprofilierung an dotiertem Silizium und Mn-implantiertem Germanium, News Analytik,, 03.09.2010.
74) Shengqiang Zhou, Danilo Buerger, Christine Baumgart , Wolfgang Skorupa, Carsten Timm, Peter Oesterlin, Manfred Helm, and Heidemarie Schmidt, Hysteresis in the magneto-transport of Manganese-doped Germanium: evidence for carrier-mediated ferromagnetism, Phys. Rev. B. 81, 165204 (2010).
73) W. Zhang, B. Peng, W. Zhang, S. Zhou and H. Schmidt, Ultra large coercivity in barium ferrite thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 322, 1859-1862 (2010).
72) Shengqiang Zhou, Danilo Buerger, Wolfgang Skorupa, Peter Oesterlin, Manfred Helm, and Heidemarie Schmidt, The importance of hole concentration in establishing carrier-mediated ferromagnetism in Mn doped Ge, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 202105 (2010).
71) D. Bürger, Shengqiang Zhou, M. Pandey, J. Grenzer, H. Reuther, W. Anwand, V. Gottschalch, M. Helm, H. Schmidt, Application of pulsed laser annealing to ferromagnetic GaMnAs, Phys. Rev. B 81, 115202 (2010).
70) Qingyu Xu, Shengqiang Zhou, Danilo Bürger, Holger Hochmuth, Michael Lorenz, Marius Grundmann, and Heidemarie Schmidt, Electrical Control of Magnetoresistance in Highly Insulating Co-Doped ZnO, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49, 043002 (2010).
69) B. Pandey, S. Ghosh, P. Srivastava, P. Kumar, D. Kanjilal, S. Zhou, H. Schmidt, Room temperature transparent ferromagnetism in 200 keV Ni2+ ion implanted pulsed laser deposition grown ZnO/sapphire film, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 023901 (2010).
68) S. Ye, V. Ney, T. Kammermeier, K. Ollefs, S. Zhou, H. Schmidt, F. Wilhelm, A. Rogalev, and A. Ney, Absence of ferromagnetic-transport signatures in epitaxial paramagnetic and superparamagnetic Zn0.95Co0.05O films, Phys. Rev. B 80, 245321 (2009).
67) A Ney, M Opel, T C Kaspar, V Ney, S Ye, K Ollefs, T Kammermeier, S Bauer, K-W Nielsen, S T B Goennenwein, M H Engelhard, S. Zhou, K Potzger, et al., Advanced spectroscopic synchrotron techniques to unravel the intrinsic properties of dilute magnetic oxides: the case of Co:ZnO, New J. Phys. 12, 013020 (2010).
66) Shengqiang Zhou, Shalimov A, Potzger K, Muechlich A, Helm M, Fassbender J, Schmidt H, MnSi1.7 nanoparticles embedded inside Si: Superparamagnetism with a collective behavior, Phys. Rev. B 80, 174423 (2009).
65) Shengqiang Zhou, Artem Shalimov , Kay Potzger , Nicole Jeutter , Carsten Baehtz , Manfred Helm , Jürgen Fassbender , Heidemarie Schmidt, Memory effect in Mn5Ge3 nanomagnets embedded inside the Mn-diluted Ge matrix, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 192505 (2009).
64) Shengqiang Zhou, D. Burger, M. Helm, and H. Schmidt, Anomalous Hall resistance in Ge:Mn with low Mn concentrations, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 172103 (2009).
63) K. Potzger, and Shengqiang Zhou, Non-DMS related ferromagnetism in transition metal doped zinc oxide, phys. stat. sol. (b) 246, 1147 invited feature article (2009).
62) Shengqiang Zhou, M. Berndt, D. Bürger, V. Heera, K. Potzger, G. Abrasonis, Gy. Radnóczi, Gy. J. Kovács, A. Kolitsch, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, W. Möller, H. Schmidt, Spin-dependent transport in nanocomposite C:Co films, Acta Materialia, 57, 4758 (2009).
61) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, Qingyu Xu, K. Kuepper, G. Talut, D. Markó, A. Mücklich, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, E. Arenholz and H. Schmidt, Spinel ferrite nanocrystals embedded inside ZnO: magnetic, electronic and magneto-transport perperties, Phys. Rev. B 80, 094409 (2009). Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology (2009).
60) Shengqiang Zhou, G. Abrasonis, A. Mücklich, K. Potzger, J. Fassbender, M. Helm, and H. Schmidt, Spin-dependent transport in hard superparamagnetic C:Ni nanocomposites, Proc. SPIE, 7364, 736406 (2009).
59) Shengqiang Zhou, E. Čižmár, K. Potzger, M. Krause, G. Talut, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, S. A. Zvyagin, J. Wosnitza, and H. Schmidt, Origin of magnetic moments in defective TiO2 single crystals, Phys. Rev. B 79, 113201 (2009).
58) K. Potzger, A. Shalimov, Shengqiang Zhou, H. Schmidt, A. Mücklich, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, M. Liberati, and E. Arenholz, Amorphous clusters in Co implanted ZnO induced by boron pre-implantation, J. Appl. Phys., 105, 123917 (2009).
57) M. Raekers, K. Kuepper, S. Bartkowski, M. Prinz, A. V. Postnikov, K. Potzger, S. Zhou, A. Arulraj, N. Stüßer, R. Uecker, W. L. Yang, and M. Neumann, Electronic and magnetic structure of RScO3 (R=Sm,Gd,Dy) from x-ray spectroscopies and first-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B 79, 125114 (2009).
56) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, Qingyu Xu, G. Talut, M. Lorenz, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, M. Grundmann, H. Schmidt, Ferromagnetic transition metal implanted ZnO: a diluted magnetic semiconductor? Invited paper, Vacuum 83, S13 (2009).
55) G. Abrasonis, Gy. J. Kovacs, A. Muecklich, S. Zhou, D. Babonneau, A. Martinaviius, M. Berndt, F. Munnik, M. Vinnichenko, K. H. Heinig, J. Grenzer, A. Kolitsch, H. Schmidt and W. Moeller, Substrate Effects on the Morphology of Carbon Encapsulated Nickel Nanoparticles Grown by Surface Diffusion Assisted Phase Separation, J. Phys. Chem. C113, 8645 (2009).
54) G. Talut, H. Reuther, J. Grenzer and S. Zhou, Origin of ferromagnetism in iron implanted rutile single crystals, Hyperfine Interactions, 191, 95 (2009).
53) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, D. Bürger, K. Kuepper, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, H. Schmidt, Inverse spinel ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by ion implantation and post-annealing: an investigation using X-ray spectroscopy and magneto-transport, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. B. 267, 1620 (2009).
52) D. Bürger, Shengqiang Zhou, J. Grenzer, H. Reuther, W. Anwand, V. Gottschalch, M. Helm, H. Schmidt, The influence of annealing on manganese implanted GaAs films, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. B. 267, 1626 (2009).
51) Gufei Zhang, K. Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou, A. Mücklich, Yicong Ma, and J. Fassbender, Memory effect of magnetic nanoparticle systems originating from particle size distribution, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. B. 267, 1596 (2009).
50) A. Kanjilal, L. Rebohle, N. K. Baddela, S. Zhou, M. Voelskow, W. Skorupa, and M. Helm, Probing the impact of microstructure on the electroluminescence properties of Ge-nanocrystal enriched Er-doped SiO2 layers, Phys. Rev. B 79, 161302(R) (2009).
49) Qingyu Xu, Shengqiang Zhou, D. Markó, K. Potzger, J. Fassbender, M. Vinnichenko, M. Helm, H.r Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann and Heidemarie S., Paramagnetism in Co-doped ZnO films, J. Phys D-Appl. Phys. 42, 085001 (2009).
48) A. Shalimov, K. Potzger, D. Geiger, H. Lichte, G. Talut, A. Misiuk, H. Reuther, F. Stromberg, Shengqiang Zhou, C. Baehtz, and J. Fassbender, Fe nanoparticles embedded in MgO crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 105, 064906 (2009). Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 18 (2009).
47) C. Scarlat, M. Vinnichenko, Qingyu Xu, D. Bürger, Shengqiang Zhou, A. Kolitsch, J. Grenzer, M. Helm, H. Schmidt, Mn-implanted, polycrystalline indium tin oxide and indium oxide films, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. B. 267, 1616 (2009).
46) Shengqiang Zhou, Q. Xu, K. Potzger, G. Talut, R. Grötzsche, J. Fassbender, M. Vinnichenko, J. Grenzer, M. Helm, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and H. Schmidt, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 232507 (2008).
45) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, J. von Borany, R. Grötzschel, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, and J. Fassbender, Crystallographically oriented Co and Ni nanocrystals inside ZnO formed by ion implantation and postannealing, Phys. Rev. B 77, 035209 (2008). Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology 17 (2008).
44) K. Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou, Qingyu Xu, A. Shalimov, R. Groetzschel, H. Schmidt, A. Mücklich, M. Helm, and J. Fassbender, Ferromagnetic, structurally disordered ZnO implanted with Co ions, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 232504 (2008).
43) Qingyu Xu, Lars Hartmann, Shengqiang Zhou, Arndt Muecklich, Manfred Helm, Gisela Biehne, Holger Hochmuth, Michael Lorenz, Marius Grundmann, and Heidemarie Schmidt, Spin Manipulation in Co-Doped ZnO, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 076601 (2008).
42) G. Abrasonis, A. C. Scheinost, S. Zhou, R. Torres, R. Gago, I. Jimnez, K. Kuepper, K. Potzger, M. Krause, A. Kolitsch, W. Moeller, S. Bartkowski, M. Neumann and R. R. Gareev, X-ray spectroscopic and magnetic investigation of C:Ni nanocomposite films grown by ion beam co-sputtering, J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 12628 (2008).
41) K. Potzger, K. Kuepper, Q. Xu, S. Zhou, H. Schmidt, M. Helm, and J. Fassbender, High cluster formation tendency in Co implanted ZnO, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 023510 (2008).
40) Qian Sun, Jianfeng Wang, Hui Wang, Ruiqin Jin, Desheng Jiang, Jianjun Zhu, Degang Zhao, Hui Yang, Shengqiang Zhou, Mingfang Wu, Dries Smeets, and Andre Vantomme, Microstructural transformation of high-temperature AlN interlayer, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 043516 (2008).
39) Qingyu Xu, H. Schmidt, Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, M. Helm, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, A. Setzer, P. Esquinazi, C. Meinecke, and M. Grundmann, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 082508 (2008).
38) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, G. Talut, H. Reuther, J. von Borany, R. Grötzschel, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, N. Volbers, M. Lorenz, and T. Herrmannsdörfer, Fe implanted ZnO: magnetic precipitates versus dilution, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 023902 (2008).
37) K. Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou, J. Grenzer, M. Helm, and J. Fassbender, An easy mechanical way to create ferromagnetic defective ZnO, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 182504 (2008).
36) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, G. Talut, J. von Borany, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, and J. Fassbender, Using X-ray diffraction to magnetic semiconductors, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D530 (2008).
35) Verschoren G, Dobrynin AN, Temst K, Silverans RE, Van Haesendonck C, Lievens P, Pipeleers B, Zhou SQ, Vantomme A, Bras W, Electron scattering in Au films containing Co clusters, Thin Solid Films, 516, 8232 (2008).
34) C. D. Cao, R. Klingeler, N. Leps, H. Vinzelberg, V. Kataev, F. Muranyi, N. Tristan, A. Teresiak, Shengqiang Zhou, W. Löser, G. Behr, and B. Büchner, Phys. Rev. B 78, 064409 (2008).
33) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, K. Kuepper, J. Grenzer, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, E. Arenholz, and J. D. Denlinger, Ni implanted ZnO single crystals – correlation between nanoparticle formation and defect structure, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 043901 (2008).
32) G. Talut, K. Potzger, A. Mücklich, and Shengqiang Zhou, Formation of metallic clusters in oxide insulators by means of ion beam mixing, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D505 (2008).
31) Shengqiang Zhou, G. Talut, K. Potzger, A. Shalimov, J. Grenzer, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, E. Čižmár, S. A. Zvyagin, and J. Wosnitza, Crystallographically oriented Fe nanocrystals formed in Fe-implanted TiO2, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 083907 (2008).
30) Shengqiang Zhou, K Potzger, G Talut, H Reuther, K Kuepper, J Grenzer, Qingyu Xu, A Mücklich, M Helm, J Fassbender and E Arenholz, Ferromagnetism of Fe implanted ZnO – a phenomenon related to defects? J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 105011(2008).
29) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, A. Mücklich, F. Eichhorn, M. Helm, W. Skorupa, J. Fassbender, Structural and agnetic properties of Tb implanted ZnO single crystals, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. B 266, 589 (2008).
28) Qingyu Xu, H. Schmidt, Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, M. Helm, H. Hochmuth, M.l Lorenz, C. Meinecke, M. Grundmann, Magnetic and transport properties of CuCr0.95Mg0.05O2 and CuCr0.93Mg0.05Mn0.02O2 films, Thin Solid Films516, 8543 (2008).
27) N. Volbers, S. Lautenschläger, T. Leichtweiss, A. Laufer, S. Graubner, B. K. Meyer, K. Potzger, and Shengqiang Zhou, Arsenic Doped Zinc Oxide, J. Appl. Phys. 103, 123106 (2008).
26) K. Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou, H. Reuther, K. Kuepper, G. Talut, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, and J. D. Denlinger, Suppression of secondary phase formation in Fe implanted ZnO single crystals, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 062107 (2007).
25) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, Gufei Zhang, A. Mücklich, F. Eichhorn, N. Schell, R. Grötzschel, B. Schmidt, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender and D. Geiger, Structural and magnetic properties of Mn implanted Si, Phys. Rev. B 75, 085203 (2007).
24) Shengqiang Zhou, K Potzger, H Reuther, G Talut, F Eichhorn, J von Borany, W Skorupa, M Helm and J Fassbender, Crystallographically oriented magnetic ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by Fe implantation into ZnO, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40, 964 (2007).
23) W. Skorupa, Q. Anwand, M. Posselt, S. Prucnal, L. Rebohle, M. Voelskow, SQ Zhou, RA McMahon, M. Smith, T. Gebel, W. Hentsch, R. Fendler, T. Luthge, A. Satta, T. Borseth, AYu Kuznetsov, BG Svensson, Millisecond processing beyond chip technology: From electronics to photonics, IEEE Advanced Thermal Processing of Semiconductors, 41-49 (2007).
22) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, H. Reuther, K. Kuepper, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, and J. Fassbender, Absence of ferromagnetism in V-implanted ZnO single crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 09H109 (2007).
21) G. Talut, H. Reuther, Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, F. Eichhorn, and F. Stromberg, Ferromagnetism in GaN induced by Fe ion implantation, J. Appl. Phys. 102 083909 (2007).
20) K. Potzger, W. Anwand, H. Reuther, Shengqiang Zhou, G. Talut, G. Brauer, W. Skorupa, and J. Fassbender, The effect of flash lamp annealing on Fe implanted ZnO single crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 033906 (2007).
19) V. Cantelli, J. von Borany, A. Mücklich, SQ Zhou, and J. Grenzer, Influence of energetic ions and neutral atoms on the L10 ordering of FePt films, Nucl. Inst. & Meth. B. 257: 406 (2007).
18) Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, Gufei Zhang, F. Eichhorn, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, and J. Fassbender, Crystalline Ni nanoparticles as the origin of ferromagnetism in Ni implanted ZnO crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 114304 (2006).
17) K. Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou, H. Reuther, A. Mücklich, F. Eichhorn, N. Schell, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender T. Herrmannsdörfer and T. P. Papageorgiou, Fe implanted ferromagnetic ZnO, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 052508 (2006).
16) K. Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou, F. Eichhorn, M. Helm, W. Skorupa, A. Mücklich, J. Fassbender, T. Herrmannsdörfer, and A. Bianchi, Ferromagnetic Gd-implanted ZnO single crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 063906 (2006).
15) K. Potzger, H. Reuther, Shengqiang Zhou, A. Mücklich, R. Grötzschel, F. Eichhorn, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, H. Lichte, and A. Lenk, Ion beam synthesis of Fe nanoparticles in MgO and Y:ZrO2, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08N701 (2006).
14) Shengqiang Zhou, M.F. Wu, S.D. Yao, Y.M. Lu, Y.C. Liu, The strain reduction and quality improvement in ZnO film by a 30 degrees in-plane rotation with respect to the Al2O3 substrate, Materials Research Bulletin 41, 2198 (2006).
13) Shengqiang Zhou, M.F. Wu, S.D. Yao, J.P. Liu, H. Yang, Chemical composition and elastic strain in AlInGaN quaternary films, Thin Solid Films 515, 1429 (2006).
12) M. F. Wu, S. Q. Zhou, A. Vantomme, Y. Huang, H. Wang, and H. Yang, High-precision determination of lattice constants and structural characterization of InN thin films, J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. A 24: 275 (2006).
11) A. N. Dobrynin, D. N. Ievlev, G. Verschoren, J. Swerts, M. J. Van Bael, K. Temst, P. Lievens, E. Piscopiello G. Van Tendeloo, S. Q. Zhou and A. Vantomme, Atomic-scale modification of hybrid FePt cluster-assembled films, Phys. Rev. B 73, 104421 (2006).
10) Shengqiang Zhou, M.F. Wu, S.D. Yao, J.P. Liu, H. Yang. Interfaces in heterostructures of AlInGaN/GaN/Al2O3, Superlattices & Micostr. 39, 429 (2006).
9) Shengqiang Zhou, M.F. Wu, S.D. Yao, B.S. Zhang, H. Yang, Structural characterization of AlGaN/GaN superlattices by x-ray diffraction and Rutherford backscattering, Superlattices & Micostr. 40, 137-143 (2006).
8) S. Q. Zhou, A. Vantomme, B. S. Zhang, H. Yang, and M. F. Wu, Comparison of the properties of GaN grown on complex Si-based structures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86 081912 (2005).
7) A. N. Dobrynin, D. N. Ievlev, K. Temst, P. Lievens, J. Margueritat, J. Gonzalo, C. N. Afonso, S. Q. Zhouand A. Vantomme, Critical size for exchange bias in a hybrid ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic nanoparticle, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 012501 (2005).
6) Zhou SQ, Wu MF, Yao SD, A practical guide for X-ray diffraction characterization of Ga(Al, In)N alloys, Chin. Phys. Lett. 22, 1984-1986 (2005).
5) M. F. Wu, S. Zhou, and Shude Yao, et al., High precision determination of the elastic strain of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells, J. Vac. Sci. & Tech. B22, 920 (2004).
4) S. Q. Zhou, M. F. Wu, L. N. Hou, S. D. Yao, H. J. Ma, R. Nie, Y. Z. Tong, Z. J. Yang, T. J. Yu, G. Y. Zhang, An approach to determine the chemical composition in InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells, J. Crystal Growth, 263, 35 (2004).
3) Wang J, Zhao DG, Sun YP, Duan LH, Wang YT, Zhang SM, Yang H, Zhou SQ, Wu MF, Thermal annealing behaviour of Pt on n-GaN Schottky contacts, J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 36, 1018-1022 (2003).
2) Yao SD, Zhou SQ, Jiao SX, Meng ZX, Lu YH, Sun CC, Sun C, Vantomme A, Langouche G, Pipeleers B, Zhao Q, Modification of new photoelectric material GaN by implantation of H+, He+ and N+ ion beam , Surf. & Coat. Tech. 158, 412 (2002).
1) M. F. Wu, C. Chen, D. Zhu, S. Zhou, A. Vantomme, G. Langouche, B. S. Zhang, and Hui Yang, Depth dependence of the tetragonal distortion of a GaN layer on Si(111) studied by Rutherford backscattering/channeling, Appl. Phys. Lett., 80, 4130 (2002).