
Prof. Dr. Jens Pietzsch

Lei­ter Radio­pharma­zeutische und Chemische Bio­logie
Tel.: +49 351 260 2622

Dr. Manja Kubeil

Leiterin Strahlen­for­schung an biologischen System
Research Topic Group Leader
Marie Curie Alumna
Tel.: +49 351 260 2442

Dr. Markus Laube

Wissen­schaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Radio­pharma­zeutische und Chemische Bio­logie
Tel.: +49 351 260 2810
+49 351 260 3917
+49 351 260 4070

Dr. Sandra Hauser

Wissen­schaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Radio­pharma­zeutische und Chemische Bio­logie
Tel.: +49 351 260 4046

Dr. Martin Ullrich

Wissen­schaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Radio­pharma­zeutische und Chemische Bio­logie
Tel.: +49 351 260 4046
+49 351 260 3989



Bioanorganische Chemie und Pathobiochemie (Chem-Ma-B01)


Prof. Dr. Jens Pietzsch (Lecturer in charge)

Dr. Manja Kubeil, Dr. Markus Laube, Dr. Sandra Hauser, Dr. Martin Ullrich

Information on the courses

The module Chem-Ma-B01 is offered in the teacher training programs GY and BS as module MN-SEGY-CHE-20F or MN-SEBS-CHE-20F.

The lecture Pathobiochemistry/Medical Biochemistry II is offered as part of the module Chem-Ma-TB07 of the consecutive Master's program in Biochemistry.

The next lectures will be offered in English from the winter semester 2025/2026.

If you are interested in internship semesters/master theses, please have a look at here.


Seminar room CHE/153

The lecture takes place weekly on Wednesdays in the 4th double lesson (1.00 pm to 2.30 pm; s.t. - Bioinorganic Chemistry) and in the 5th double lesson (2.50 pm to 4.20 pm; s.t. - Pathobiochemistry/Medical Biochemistry II).

Bioinorganic Chemistry: lecture finished

Pathobiochemistry/Medicinal Biochemistry II: lecture finished

Seminar: finished

Please also refer to the corresponding entries in OPAL and SELMA.

Online In the case of an online lecture, the dial-in modalities (link (Zoom/BBB)) will be announced here accordingly.
  • Acquisition of knowledge on the behavior of metals in biosystems with a focus on metal centers in enzymes/proteins and electrolyte elements
  • Consideration of medical-therapeutic, toxicological and environmental aspects
  • General understanding of pathobiochemical changes in the human organism
  • Acquisition of knowledge of biochemical mechanisms in the development, manifestation and progression of selected diseases
  • Acquisition of knowledge of modern diagnostic (analytical) methods and (pharmaco)therapeutic approaches from research and clinical practice

Modules Chem-Ma-B01 / MN-SEGY-CHE-20F / MN-SEBS-CHE-20F

Oral examination (individual examination, 60 min): Dates will be arranged individually

28.03. at HZDR, Building 805, Room 265 

The oral examination can be taken in German or English.

Module Chem-Ma-TB07

Written exam: Date will be announced in time

The exam language is English.


To prepare for the lecture Bioinorganic Chemistry, please use the lecture notes (scripts see below).


To prepare for the lecture Pathobiochemistry/Medical Biochemistry II, please use the lecture notes and the reading material for self-study (Skript). 

For both lectures, please also recapitulate the contents of previous chemistry and biochemistry lectures, especially on

  • Metabolism of amino acids, peptides and proteins
  • Metabolism of carbohydrates (glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen metabolism)
  • Metabolism of fatty acids and lipids
  • Tricarboxylic acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation
  • Enzymes, receptors
  • Natural product chemistry
  • Chemistry of arenes and heterocycles

Course of the academic year

Pathobiochemistry schedule

  • Introduction to pathobiochemistry
  • General and special pathobiochemistry
  • Signal transduction
  • Inflammation
  • Inflammatory diseases
  • Atherogenesis
  • Diseases of the lipoprotein metabolism
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Inflammogenesis of tumors

Bioinorganic Chemistry schedule



L1 - Overview

Bioinorganic chemistry, trace elements, bioligands


L2 - Basic Principles of Coordination Chemistry


L3 - Alkaline metals (sodium, potassium)

Recognition of spherical species, membrane pumps and channels


L4 - Alkaline earth metals (calcium, magnesium)

Biomineralization, messenger substances and structure formers


L5 - Zinc, Copper

enzymatic catalysis, regulatory functions


L6 - Manganese, Cobalt, Nickel

Photosynthesis, Cobalamines, Nickel - a long overlooked biometal


L7 - Iron

Oxygen transport, Heme-Fe and None-heme-Fe


L8 - Molybdenum, Vanadium, Chromium, Tungsten

Nitrogen fixation, Haloperoxidases,

Cr(III) - role in humans?


L9 - Gasotransmitters NO, CO, H2S

Biosynthesis, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species


L10 - Toxic metals

Pb, Hg, Cd, As, Chelate therapy


L11 - Inorganic drugs

Diagnostics and therapeutics


L12 - Radioactive metals in the environment and medicine

natural and artificial radioisotopes


L13 - Seminar