- 03/2017: new article in Structural Dynamics together with our colleagues from FHI, DESY and SLAC showing a breakthrough demonstration for performing highly sensitive time-resolved experiments at 4th generation light sources.
- 16.02.2017 - 17.02.2017: TELBE user meeting 2017
- 11/2016: new HORIZON 2020 EU project TRANSPIRE funded. TELBE with its final design parameters will serve as an essential diagnostic for the THz emission properties of pseudo Heussler materials.
- 07/2016: new article with colleagues from FWIN and the Trinity College Dublin in Applied Physics Letters on spintronic THz emission from ferrimagnetic nanofilms using TELBE for performing sensitive detection of THz driven spinwaves.
- 05/2016: We are looking for a PhD candidate for our international team! -> see our announcement here
- 16.03.2016: High-field THz driven Phenomena group recieved the 2016 HZDR Technology and Innovation prize for our contribution to the improved Timing and Synchronization of the ELBE accelerator.
- 29.02.2016: new publication from the THODIAC collaboration on "High-Field High-Repetition-Rate Sources for the Coherent THz Control of Matter" in Scientific Reports.
- 04.02.2016 - 05.02.2016: TELBE Kick-off Meeting @ HZDR. Potential future users were invited to present their experimental ideas and requirements.
- 11/2015: THODIAC collaboration performed more accelerator research and development shifts. This time with colleagues from MPI for Polymer Reserach in Mainz testing amongst other things THz driven THz emission from magetic materials.
- 09/2015: new article in Nature Communication on "THz-field control of orbital order" in a prototype manganite together with colleagues from ICFO and the University of Oxford
- 02.09.2015 - 07.09.2015: THODIAC collaboration performed more accelerator research and developement shifts this time with participation/projects from ICFO and TU Chemnitz
- 07/2015: new article in scientific reports on "Optical nanoscopyof transient states of matter" together with our colleagues from TUD and FUB. Next step will be to employ this at TELBE for the investigation of THz driven phenomena on the nanoscale.
- 24.06.2015 - 28.06.2015: THODIAC collaboration performed more accelerator reasearch and developement shifts this time with colleagues from SLAC and the TU Dresden
- 20.4.2015 - 27.04.2015: THz pump soft-X-ray probe beamtime at FLASH studying magnetization dynamics in YIG with our collaborators from FHI, HZB and DESY
- 04/2015: our 10 T splitcoil magnet arrived adaption to the lab-infrastructure is underway
- 17.03.2015 - 22.03.2015: THODIAC collaboration performed more accelerator reasearch and developement shifts this time with colleagues from DESY and FHI performing dedicated benchmarking of achievable time-resolution in THz pump laser probe experiments.
- 30.1.2015: new publication on an optimzed beam arrivaltime monitor with our colleagues from DESY and TU Darmstadt. A result our collaboration within the HGF-ARD program and use of TELBE as the ARD test facility.
- 04.12 - 11.12.2014: THODIAC collaboration performed more accelerator reasearch and developement shifts this time with colleagues from DESY, SLAC and KIT. We performed the first arrivaltime-datasorting experiment over the course of several shifts.
- 28.11.2014: new article on application of IR/THz radiation for polarization-resolved microscopy with our collaborators from ISAS and HZB.
- 20.10. - 28.10.2014: THz pump X-ray probe beamtime at FLASH with colleagues from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), PSI and DESY.
- 11.09. - 12.09.2014: Visit to our SLAC THODIAC collaborators and the super-radiant THz facility at FACET
- 31.07. - 03.08.2014: THODIAC collaboration performed more accelerator reasearch and developement shifts. First test of a new high reprate arrivaltime datasorting scheme that should eventually give us few 10 fs resolution. Unfortunately lost most of the beamtime due to power glitch and subsequent accelerator problems :-(.
- 14.06. - 18.06.2014: IPAC conference in Dresden with an invited contribution about our progress at the super-radiant THz facility.
- 02.06. - 05.06.2014 the THODIAC collaboration performed more accelerator reasearch and developement shifts with the major achievement of a first arrivaltimejitter compensated experiment. We also observed undulator fundamentals up to 3 THz for the first time! This time the team consisted of colleagues from HZDR, DESY and the Trinity College Dublin.
- 10.3.-15.03.2014: the THODIAC collaboration performed accelerator research and developement shifts on THz based electron bunch diagnostic at TELBE. This time consisting of colleagues from HZDR, ICFO and SLAC.

- 01.03.2014: selected contributions to the 2nd workshop on "ps-fs Electron and Photon Beams" are now available on the workshop webpage.
- 25.2.-26.2.2014: 2nd workshop on "ps-fs Electron and Photon Beams" at HZDR with contributors from DESY, KIT, DELTA, CFEL

- 04.02.2014: paper on "Infrared ellipsometry for improved laterally resolved analysis of thin films" accepted in Thin Solid Films.
- 31.01.2014: paper on "Interference effects in super-radiant THz sources" accepted in Infrared Phys. Technol. This is a collaborative work with colleagues from DESY, Pune University and the European X-FEL.
- 27.01.2014: Registration for the 2nd workshop on "ps-fs Electron and Photon Beams" is now open.
- 21.01.2014: achieved micoJ pulse energies with our new table-top THz source based on optical rectification in LiNbO. This source, operating at a repetition rate of 1 kHz, can now be used to prepare pilot experiments and instrumentation for ultra-fast pulse/bunch diagnostic in the TELBE lab.

- 18.11.2013-19.11.2013 workshop on "The Science and Technology of accelerator-based THz light sources" in Upsala, Sweden.
- 11.11.2013 - 14.11.2013: TELBE comissionig continued: First time-domain traces from the CTR/CDR source have been oberved. The THODIAC collaboration consisted this time of colleagues from HZDR, KIT, SLAC and DESY.
- 11/2014: new publication! -> chapter on "Brilliant Infrared Light Sources for Micro-Ellipsometric Studies of Organic Thin Films" published in the new Springer Book on "Ellipsometry of functional organic surfaces and films"

- 14.10.-19.10.2013: TELBE comissioning continued. Super-radiant THz undulator pulses have been observed up to 1 THz. Arrivaltime monitoring up to few femtosecondlevel has been observed. The THODIAC collaboration this time consisted of colleagues from KIT and the FHI.
- 10/2013: ELBE is featured in the new EUROFEL newsletter
- 24.09.2013 - 27.09.2013: Visit to super-radiant THz sources at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory and KAERI in Korea.

- 28.08.2013: Visit to the THz sources at Brookhaven National Lab (super-radiant THz source at SDL, IR beamlines at NSLS-I, future infrared synchrotron beamline at NSLS-II)

- 15.08./16.08.2013: Visit to the ANKA storage ring and the FLUTE THz source construction site and our collaborators within the THODIAC collaboration at KIT
- 08/2013: Start of the InSEl BMBF project with the AG Plettemeier of the TU Dresden
- 15.07.2013: Visit to the FLASHII buildingcite where AG CTHz is involved in the developement of a high repetition rate THz source

- 01.07. - 04.07.2013: TELBE comissioning continued: first single shot EOS traces have been measured again by the THODIAC collaboration (with visiting scientists from DESY and the FU Berlin)

- 01.06.2013: TELBE is featured in the new edition of the discovered magazin
- 06.05.2013: first THz diagnostic shifts with the THz undulator source of TELBE: the radiation was analysed in the time, frequency and spatial domain by the THz photondiagnostic collaboration (THODIAC).

- 16.04.2013: new publication in Nature Communications with our colleagues from Helmholtz Institut Jena und DESY -> Single-shot pulse duration monitor for extreme ultraviolet and X-ray free-electron lasers
- 25.03.2013 - 28.03.2013: first THz diagnostic shifts with the CDR/CTR source of TELBE. Frequency and time domain measurements were performed together with our colleagues from DESY (part of the THODIAC collaboration).

- 03/2013: new publication on THz control of a superconductor in Nature Materials with our collaborators from MPSD-CFEL is now online
- 21.03.2013: cooperation agreement about a collaboration with the PTB signed covering the areas of: THz photondiagnostics, determination of absolute THz pulse energies and THz generation by accelerator based sources.
- 07.03.2013: cooperation contract over collaborations with the Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) signed covering activities in the areas of THz generation by accelerator based sources and THz photondiagnostics.
- 13.2. - 17.2.2013: THz pump X-ray scattering probe experiment @ FLASH (collaboration DESY/HZDR)

- 23.01.2013: Kick-off workshop for russian-german BMBF project "High repetition-rate THz sources at FLASH II" at DESY

- 18.01.2013: THz undulator aligned in the ELBE beamline

- 10.12.2012 - 17.12.2012: THz pump X-ray probe / Magnetization dynamics experiment @ FLASH (collaboration with university of Niemwegen, HZB, DESY and FHI)

- 07.12.2012: first sucessful test of the new Bunch Compression Monitors @ ELBE

- 05.12.2012: THz undulator arrived in the ELBE hall

- 30.11.2012: THz beamlines are completed and under vacuum

- 11/2012: THz pump X-ray probe beamtime @ FLASH with DESY and the MPI Heidelberg

- 10.09.2012: talks of the workshop "Fontiers of THz Science" at SLAC are online

- 07.09.2012: first electron beam into the first beam dump in cave 111b (underneath the THz lab)
- 01.09.2012: talks of the ARD workshop on "ps-fs electron and photon beams" are now online
- 06.08.2012: talks of the workshop on "THz sources for Time-resolved studies of Matter" at the APS are online

- 24.7.2012: Announcement for ARD workshop on "ps-fs electron and photon beams" organized together with DESY and KIT
- 23.7.2012: FTIR spectrometer for the THz based electron bunch diagnostic and THz photondiagnostic has been transferred back from FLASH @ DESY

- 19.07.2012: first part of the onsite acceptance test of the two THz beamlines successful!

- 07/2012: new bookchapter on "THz control in correlated electron solids: sources and applications" written with our collaborators from MPSD-CFEL in Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging, Springer Series in Optical Sciences 171, K.-E. Peiponen et al. (eds.).

- 26.06.2012: laser tables for the TELBE lab have been set up

- 06/2012: new publication online in Phys. Rev. Lett. "Evidence for Chirped Auger-Electron Emission" using the THz pump X-ray probe facility @ FLASH with our colleagues from DESY, UHH and U Kiel.
- 05/2012: selected talks for the WEH Seminar "Free electron lasers: from fundamentals to applications" are now online

- 04/2012: electron beam arrival time monitors (BAM) of the DESY design to be employed in the vicinity of the TELBE THz sources have passed vacuum and particle tests at DESY

- 02.04.2012: new article online in Applied Physics Letters: "Phase sensitive monitoring of electron bunch form and arrival time in superconducting linear accelerator"
- 03/2012: bilateral cooperation agreement with DESY officially signed
- 16.3./17.3.2012: FTIR measurements at our sister THz beamline @ FLASH: first proof of principle of a step scan FTIR measurement at a low rep rate linac based THz source

- 21.02.2012: first beamline components of TELBE arrived!

- 02/2012: factory acceptance test for the first THz beamline components at FMB - Berlin

- 12/2011: registration for the 503 rd Heraeus seminar:"Free Electron Lasers - from fundamentals to applications now open.
- 21./22.11.2011: Presentation of "THz based electron bunch diagnostic concepts" and future collaborations within the HGF at Accelerator research and development - review meeting at GSI
- 09/2011: final design for the TELBE THz beamlines approved
- webpage for the 503 rd Hereaus seminar: “Free Electron Lasers – from fundamentals to applications” went online
- 08/2011: new article "infrared synchrotron radiation based micro spectroscopy on graphene" in Applied Physics Letters
- 06/2011: feature about TELBE in HZDR intern
- 04/2011: first three color THz/VIS pump soft X-ray probe beamtime at FLASH together with DESY and FUB

- 02/2011: new article in Nature Photonics on THz based diagnostic together with our collaborators from DESY and HIJ

- 01/2011: Funding of postdoc and PhD position granted for THz based electron bunch diagnostic through the ARD program of the HGF.