International DYN3D Users and Developers Meeting
The reactor dynamics code DYN3D has been developed in HZDR and its predecessor organizations over more than 20 years. |
Originally, the code was developed for the analysis of reactivity-initiated transients and accidents in Russian VVER type reactors and recommended by the IAEA as a reference code for the VVER-440/V213 reactor. In the meantime, the code became an advanced simulation tool for transients in Light Water Reactors with 16 users in 7 countries. This was the reason for the decision to organize an international users and developers meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together developers and users of the reactor dynamics code DYN3D for information exchange on latest developments, verification and validation activities as well as interesting applications of the code to transient simulations and accident analyses. |
The DYN3D U&D meeting will take place on Thursday, April 18 and Friday, April 19, 2013 in the research center Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf which is located about 15 km outside of the city of Dresden.
The meeting is open to all users of DYN3D or people interested in a future use for scientific, educational or even commercial purposes.
Purpose of the Meeting
The purpose of the meeting is to bring together developers and users of the reactor dynamics code DYN3D to:
- inform each other about latest developments and improvements of the code,
- present applications for safety analyses as well as in academic studies,
- outline code couplings of DYN3D with thermohydraulic system codes, codes for fuel rod behaviour and CFD codes,
- demonstrate new postprocessing and visualisation tools,
- give an outlook on planned developments and applications for GenIV reactors.
In addition to a number of presentations from the developer’s side, code users are invited to report about their experience in applications, model improvements or extensions they have implemented as well as problems the have met in using the code. The feedback from the users is of high importance for us as developers. Code users can express their suggestions for further improvements of the code.
The working titles of presentations intended to be held should be communicated during the registration.
The working language of the meeting is English.
It is foreseen to distribute the presentations among the following topics:
- Cross section preparation (for DYN3D)
- Reactor physics, neutronics & transport theory
- Thermal hydraulics & fuel rod models
- Depletion calculations
- Code management
- Miscellaneous
Key dates
February 28, 2013 | Invitation letter requirement |
February 28, 2013 | Registration deadline |
February 27, 2013 | Hotel reservation deadline |
At the beginning of the meeting | Submittal of electronic files with presentations |
Head of Programme Committee
Dr. Sören KliemOrganizing Committee
Dr. Ulrich RohdeDr. Silvio Baier
Mrs. Jana Gorzitze
Please send all correspondence concerning the meeting by e-mail to: