Abteilung Radioimmunologie
Die Abteilung Radioimmunologie befasst sich mit der Entwicklung innovativer (Radio)Immunstrategien zur Therapie und Diagnostik (Radioimmuntheranostika) von Tumorerkrankungen - von der Präklinik bis zur Translation in die Klinik. Im Zentrum stehen hierbei die Entwicklung rekombinanter Antikörperderivate sowie zellulärer Ansätze mit chimären Antigenrezeptoren (CAR-Zelltherapie). Für eine effektive, sichere, gut verträgliche und breit anwendbare CAR-Zelltherapie haben wir die modularen und schaltbaren UniCAR- und RevCAR-Systeme entwickelt.
Neben der Immuntherapie können unsere Targetmoleküle auch radiomarkiert und in Abhängigkeit vom verwendeten Radionuklid für die diagnostische Bildgebung oder Endoradionuklidtherapie genutzt werden. Um die Effizienz von Immuntherapien gegen solide Tumorerkrankungen zu erhöhen, arbeiten wir daran, das immunsuppressive Tumormikromilieu so zu modulieren, dass Immuntherapien begünstigt werden. Dabei visieren wir z. B. Immune checkpoint Moleküle an oder nutzen regulatorische T-Zellen, um das Tumormikromilieu zu beeinflussen. Darüber hinaus setzen wir auf die die Kombination von Standardtherapien (wie z. B. Strahlentherapie oder Endoradionuklidtherapien) mit immuntherapeutischen Ansätzen. Aufgrund des modularen Charakters kann unsere Technologie neben Tumorerkrankungen auch zur Behandlung von von Entzündungs-, Infektions- und Autoimmunerkrankungen genutzt werden.
Projekte & Support
- HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01: "B-cell related gene and protein markers with prognostic and therapeutic value for CVD (B-specific)", https://www.bspecific.eu
- Helmholtz Biomedical Engineering: https://www.helmholtz-bioengineering.de/
- HORIZON- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)-Doctoral Networks: “An integrated approach to restore tolerance in autoimmune disease (TOLERATE)”,
HORIZON- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)-Doctoral Networks: “Protease-guided tumor targeting tools to revolutionize cancer diagnosis and treatment (OncoProTools)”,
Helmholtz Association: Initiative “Immunology & Inflammation”,
Helmholtz International Lab: “Monash-Helmholtz Laboratory for Radio-Immuno-Theranostics (MHELTHERA)”,
Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (EKFS)-Ausschreibung “Projekte zur Verhinderung von Infektionen durch Tröpfchen oder Aerosole“: “Neuartige Inhalationstherapeutika zum Schutz vor viralen Infekten bedingt durch Tröpfcheninfektionen (Viroprotect)“
Free State of Saxony, SAB Project: “Immuntheranostik zur Therapie, Bildgebung und Schnelldiagnostik von Viruserkrankungen: COVID-19“
BMBF Clusters 4 Future “SaxoCell”: “Development of theranostic target molecules for diagnosis and therapy (TheraSTAR)“,
Mildred-Scheel-Nachwuchszentrum (MSNZ): “Engineered T-cells for personalized cancer therapy”,
News & Events
- Poster prize for Eugenia Crespo with the title: "From Suppression to T-cell Activation: Targeting Immune Checkpoints with the RevCAR System" (SaxoCell Retreat, Chemnitz, 4th of June)
- We are glad to announce that two of our PhD students, Justyna & Karla graduated successfully (Dresden, April & May 2024)
Justyna Jureczek: "Preclinical evaluation of novel target modules for adoptive UniCAR T cell therapy targeting solid tumors"
(defense: 2nd April 2024)
Karla Elizabeth González Soto: "Combinatorial targeting of hematological and solid tumor malignancies using adaptor
RevCAR T cells following an AND-gate adaptor logic" (defense: 13th May 2024)
- PhD researchers, Hugo Boutier and Rutuja Gupte collaborated their MSCA doctoral networks OncoProTools and TOLERATE respectively,
at the Science is Wonderful fair 2024, in Brussels on 25-26 April 2024.
They educated young minds about the risks of cancer and autoimmunity via interactive games and demonstrations on immunology and CAR-T cells.
- We are happy to anounce that both, Eugenia & Haidy, got prizes at the Tumor Immunology Meets Oncology (TIMO) conference in Brandenburg (April, 19th).
2nd best poster award: "From Suppression to T-cell Activation: Targeting Immune Checkpoints with the RevCAR System." (Eugenia)
3rd best talk: "Immunotherapeutic targeting of glioblastoma using Fn14-redirected RevCAR effector cells." (Haidy)
- 2nd Poster Price Award at HZDR DocSeminar 2023 (October 17-19) - Congrats to Cansu Daglar with her presented poster: "Development of ACE2 molecules for protection against SARS-CoV-2 or visualization of infected cells."
Congratulations to Haidy and Lydia at the Workshop & Symposium „Tumor Immunology meets Oncology XVI“ in Halle, Germany (April 20th - 22nd):
Lydia (left) got the 2nd prize for Best Talk: "Therapeutic targeting and diagnostic imaging of Fibroblast Activation Protein-expressing cancers using the UniCAR system"
Haidy (right): 2nd Prize for Best Poster: "Specific targeting of Fn14-expressing glioblastoma using RevCAR NK-92 cell system"
- Congratulations! Haidy Amr Abdelfatah Saleh Hassan go the Best Presentation Award at HZDR DocSeminar 2022 (October 21)
- Congratulations to Liliana Loureiro for Best Flash Presentation Award presented at Australian Society of Molecular Imaging (ASMI)
Annual Conference 2022 (October 6 – 7) in Melbourne, Australia
Claudia Arndt: CAR Technology Meets Theranostics – A New Era of Immunotheranostics for Hematological and Solid Tumors (Plenary Lecture Invited)
Liliana Loureiro: Immunotheranostic target modules suitable for imaging and navigation of UniCAR T-cells to strike FAP-expressing solid tumours and their microenvironment (Flash talk presentation)
- Congratulations! Irene García de Andres, for excellent Master Thesis defence entitled “Developing adaptor molecules for targeting prostate cancer using RevCAR T cell system“ (September 19)
- 5th GyMIC Molecular Imaging Symposium co-organized by colleagues from HZDR site Leipzig took place in Leipzig (September 15 – 16)
Christin Neuber: FAP directed target modules are suitable for imaging and targeted radionuclide therapy of FAP-expressing solid tumours and their microenvironment (selected talk)
- Antibody Technologies and Therapeutics Conference at Monash University Prato Center, Italy (September 11 – 14)
Anja Feldmann: Theranostic Antibody- and CAR-based Platform Technology for Therapy and Imaging (invited talk) and
Liliana Loureiro: Driving UniCARs to successful immunotherapy of solid tumors expressing fibroblast activation protein (FAP) (invited talk)
- Project start for the winners of this year's DZG (German Centers for Health Research) in Dresden (July 19)
Anja Feldmann (HZDR, DKTK), Anne Eugster (CRTD, PLID, DZD) and Anke Fuchs (CRTD, DKTK) were pleased to receive
start-up funding of 10,000 EUR for their project "CAR brakes - Equipping Treg cells with chimeric antigen receptors to halt aberrant immunity“.
- Workshop & Symposium „Tumor Immunology meets Oncology XVI“ in Halle, Germany (July 7 - 9)
Karla Gonzalez Soto: Comparison of two structurally different RevTMs for the RevCAR system
to specifically target CEA expressing cells (second poster presentation award),
Tabea Bartsch: Adapter CARs: Estimation of the affinity between adapter and CAR domain required for function
(selected talk)