Publikationsliste FWIN - 2005-2011
117. K. Potzger, A. A. Levin, A. Shalimov, J. Osten, D. C. Meyer
Defect-induced ferromagnetism in crystalline SrTiO3
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 323, 1551 (2011)
116. Determination of secondary ion mass spectrometry relative sensitivity factors for polar and non-polar ZnO
A. Laufer, N. Volbers, S. Eisermann, K. Potzger, S. Geburt, C. Ronning, B. Meyer
J. Appl. Phys. 110, 094906 (2011).
115. Lattice damage and secondary phase formation in yttria stabilised zirconia implanted with Fe at different temperatures
S. Zhou, A. Shalimov, Y. Wang, K. Potzger
J. Nucl. Mater. 416, 358 (2011).
114. Frequency dependence of spin relaxation in periodic systems
I. Barsukov, F. M. Römer, R. Meckenstock, K. Lenz, J. Lindner, S. Hemken to Krax, A. Banholzer, M. Körner, J. Grebing, J. Fassbender, and M. Farle
Phys. Rev B. 84, 140410(R) (2011)
113. Spatial manipulation of magnetic damping in ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic films by ion irradiation
J. McCord, T. Strache, I. Mönch, R. Mattheis, J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. B 83, 224407 (2011).
112. Direct observation of antiferromagnetically oriented spin vortex states in magnetic multilayer elements
S. Wintz, T. Strache, M. Körner, M. Fritzsche, D. Marko, I. Mönch, R. Mattheis, J. Raabe, C. Quitmann, J. McCord, A. Erbe, J. Fassbender
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 232511 (2011).
111. Field- and current-induced domain-wall motion in permalloy nanowires with magnetic soft spots
A. Vogel, S. Wintz, T. Gerhardt, L. Bocklage, T. Strache, M.Y. Im, P. Fischer, J. Fassbender, J. McCord, G. Meier
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 202501 (2011) and Virt. J. Nanoscale Sci. and Technol., May 2011.
110. Fast propagation of weakly-pinned domain walls and current-assisted magnetization reversal in He+-irradiated Pt/Co/Pt nanotracks
M. Cormier, A. Mougin, J. Ferré, J.-P. Jamet, R. Weil, J. Fassbender, V. Baltz, B. Rodmacq
J. Phys. D – Appl. Phys. 44, 215002 (2011).
109. Tailoring the magnetism of GaMnAs films by ion irradiation
L. Li, S. D. Yao, S.Q. Zhou, D. Bürger, O. Roshchupkina, S. Akhmadaliev, A. W. Rushforth, R. P. Campion, J. Fassbender, M. Helm, B. L. Gallagher, C. Timm, H. Schmidt
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 44, 045001 (2011).
108. Enhanced Nucleation of Vortices in Soft Magnetic Materials Prepared by Silica Nanosphere Lithography
N. Martin, N.-C. Bigall, I. Mönch,T. Gemming, A. Eychmüller, R. Mattheis, R. Schäfer, L. Schultz, J. McCord
Adv. Func. Mater. 21, 891 (2011).
107. Magnetic characterization of Bi(Fe1 − xMnx)O3
Q. Xu, S.Zhou, Z. Wen, D. Wu, T. Qiu, M. Xu, K.Potzger, H. Schmidt
Phys. Lett. A 375, 1209 (2011).
106. Effects of thermal annealing on structural and magnetic properties of thin Pt/Cr/Co multilayers
J. K. Tripathia, B. Satpatib, M. O. Liedke, A. Guptad, T. Som,
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 322, 3464 (2010).
105. Influence of implantation induced Ni-doping on structural, optical, and morphological properties of nanocrystalline CdS thin films
S. Chandramohan, T. Strache, S. N. Sarangi, R. Sathyamoorthy, T. Som,
Materials Science and Engineering B 171, 16 (2010).
104. Nanocap arrays of granular CoCrPt:SiO2 films on silica particles: tailoring of the magnetic properties by Co+ irradiation
P. Krone, C. Brombacher, D. Makarov, K. Lenz, D. Ball, F. Springer, H. Rohrmann, J. Fassbender, M. Albrecht
Nanotechnology 21, 38 (2010).
103. Magnetic properties of granular CoCrPt:SiO2 films as tailored by Co+ irradiation
S. Tibus, T. Strache, F. Springer, D. Makarov, H. Rohrmann, T. Schrefl, J. Fassbender, M. Albrecht,
Journal of Applied Physics 107, 093915 (2010).
102. Out-of-plane magnetic patterning on austenitic stainless steels using plasma nitriding
E. Menendez, J.-C. Stinville, C. Tromas, C. Templier, P. Villechaise, J.-P. Riviere, M. Drouet, A. Martinavicius, G. Abrasonis, J. Fassbender, M. D. Baro, J. Sort, J. Nogues
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 242509 (2010).
101. Measuring the saturation magnetization in samples with unknown magnetic volume
D. Markó, K. Lenz, T. Strache, R. Kaltofen, J. Fassbender
IEEE Trans. Magn. 46, 1711 (2010).
100. Domain-wall pinning and depinning at soft sports in magnetic nanowires
A. Vogel, S. Wintz, J. Moser, M. Bolte, T. Strache, M. Fritzsche, M.Y. Im, P. Fischer, G. Meier, J. Fassbender
IEEE Trans. Magn. 46, 1708 (2010).
99. Magnetic properties of granular CoCrPt:SiO2 films as tailored by Co+ irradiation
S. Tibus, T. Strache, F. Springer, D. Makarov, H. Rohrmann, T. Schrefl, J. Fassbender, M. Albrecht
J. Appl. Phys. 107, 093915 (2010).
98. Photon Counting System for Time-resolved Experiments in Multibunch Mode
A. Puzic, T. Korhonen, B. Kalantari, J. Raabe, C. Quitmann, P. Jüllig, L. Bommer, D. Goll, G. Schütz, S. Wintz, T. Strache, M. Körner, D. Marko, C. Bunce, J. Fassbender
Synchrotron Radiation News 23, 26 (2010).
97. Determination of the saturation magnetization of ion irradiated Py/Ta samples using polar magneto-optical Kerr effect and ferromagnetic resonance
D. Markó, T. Strache, K. Lenz, J. Fassbender, R. Kaltofen
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 022503 (2010).
96. Introducing artificial length scales to tailor magnetic properties
J. Fassbender, T. Strache, M. O. Liedke, D. Markó, S. Wintz, K. Lenz, A. Keller, S. Facsko, I. Mönch, J. McCord
New. J. Phys. 11, 125002 (2009).
95. Interlayer exchange coupling of Fe/Cr/Fe thin films on rippled substrates
M. Körner, K. Lenz, M. O. Liedke, T. Strache, A. Mücklich, A. Keller, S. Facsko, J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. B 80, 214401 (2009).
94. Magnetization dynamics of Landau structures: tuning the response of mesoscopic objects using defects
K. Kuepper, S. Wintz, J. Raabe, M. Buess, Ch. Akhmadaliev, L. Bischoff, C. Quitmann, J. Fassbender
J. Phys.: Cond. Mater 21, 436003 (2009).
93. Spin-dependent transport in nanocomposite C:Co films
S. Q. Zhou, M. Berndt, D. Bürger, V. Heera, K. Potzger, G. Abrasonis, G. Radnoczi, G. J. Kovacs, A. Kolitsch, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, W. Möller, H. Schmidt
Acta Mater. 57, 4758 (2009).
92. Spin reorientation transititions in Pt/Co/Pt films under low dose Ga+ ion irradiation
J. Jaworowicz, A. Maziewski, P. Mazalski, M. Kisielewski, I. Sveklo, M. Tekielak, V. Zablotskii, J. Ferre, N. Vernier, A. Mougin, A. Henschke, J. Fassbender
Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 022502 (2009).
91. Amorphous clusters in Co implanted ZnO introduced by boron pre-implantation
K. Potzger, A. Shalimov, S. Q. Zhou, H. Schmidt, A. Mücklich, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, M. Liberati, E. Arenholz
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 123917 (2009).
90. Inverse ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by ion implantation and post-annealing: an investigation using X-ray spectroscopy and magneto-transport
S.Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, D. Bürger, K. Kuepper, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, H. Schmidt
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 267, 1620 (2009).
89. Memory effect of magnetic nanoparticle systems originating from particle size distribution
G. Zhang, K. Potzger, S. Q. Zhou, A. Mücklich, Y. Ma, J. Fassbender
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 267, 1596 (2009).
88. Origin of magnetic moments in defective TiO2 single crystals
S. Q. Zhou, E. Cizmar, K. Potzger, M. Krause, G. Talut, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, S. A. Zvyagin, J. Wosnitza, H. Schmidt
Phys. Rev. B 79, 113201 (2009).
87. Local setting of magnetic anisotropy in amorphous films by Co ion implantation
J. McCord, I. Mönch, J. Fassbender, A. Mücklich, E. Quandt, A. Gerber
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 42, 055006 (2009).
86. Paramagnetism in Co-doped ZnO films
Q. Xu, S. Q. Zhou, D. Marko, K. Potzger, J. Fassbender, M. Vinichenko, M. Helm, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, H. Schmidt
J. Phys. D 42, 085001 (2009).
85. Improvement of structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Co2MnSi thin films by He+-irradiation
O. Gaier, J. Hamrle, B. Hillebrands, M. Kallmayer, P. Pörsch, G. Schönhense, H. J. Elmers, J. Fassbender, A. Gloskovskii, C. A. Jenkins, C. Felser, E. Ikenaga, Y. Sakuraba, S. Tsunegi, M. Oogane, Y. Ando
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 152508 (2009).
84. The effect of the sputtering gas (Ar, Xe) on FePt cluster formation, structural and magnetic properties
V. Cantelli, J. Grenzer, J. v. Borany, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 07B529 (2009).
83. Fe Nanoparticles embedded in MgO crystals
A. Shalimov, K. Potzger, D. Geiger, H. Lichte, G. Talut, A. Misiuk, H. Reuther, F. Stromberg, S. Q. Zhou, C. Baehtz, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 064906 (2009).
82. Local stress engineering of magnetic anisotropy in soft magnetic thin films
N. Martin, J. McCord, A. Gerber, T. Strache, T. Gemming, I. Mönch, N. Farag, R. Schäfer, J. Fassbender, E. Quandt, L. Schultz
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 062506 (2009).
81. Controlled generation of ferromagnetic martensite from paramagnetic austenite in AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel
E. Menendez, J. Sort, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, S. Surinach, M. D. Baro, J. Nogues
J. Mater. Res. 24, 565 (2009).
80. From multiply twinned to fcc nanoparticles via irradiation-induced transient amorphization
T. T. Järvi, D. Pohl, K. Albe, B. Rellinghaus, L. Schultz, J. Fassbender, A. Kuronen, K. Nordlund
Euro. Phys. Lett. 85, 260001 (2009).
79. The effect of ion irradiation and annealing on exchange spring magnets
J. Fassbender, J. Grenzer, O. Roshupkina, Y. Choi, J. S. Jiang, S. D. Bader
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 023902 (2009).
78. Creation of sub-100 nm ferromagnetic dots by selective irradiation of a paramagnetic intermetallic alloy
E. Menendez, J. Sort, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, T. Gemming, A. Weber, L. J. Heydermann, S. Surinach, K. V. Rao, S. C. Deevi, M. D. Baro, J. Nogues
Small 5, 229 (2009).
77. Room temperature ferromagnetism in carbon-implanted ZnO
S. Q. Zhou, Q. Xu, K. Potzger, G. Talut, R. Grötzschel, J. Fassbender, M. Vinnichenko, J. Grenzer, M. Helm, H. Hochmutz, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, H. Schmidt
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 232507 (2008).
76. Ferromagnetic, structurally disordered ZnO implanted with Co ions
K. Potzger, S. Q. Zhou, Q. Xu, A. Shalimov, R. Grötzschel, H. Schmidt, A. Mücklich, M. Helm, J. Fassbender
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 232504 (2008).
75. Two-fold origin of the deformation-induced ferromagnetism in bulk Fe60Al40 (at.%) alloys
E. Menendez, J. Sort, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, S. Surinach, M. D. Baro, J. Nogues
New J. Phys. 10, 103030 (2008).
74. Spin manipulation in Co-doped ZnO
Q.Y. Xu, L. Hartmann, S. Q. Zhou, A. Mücklich, M. Helm, G. Biehne, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, H. Schmidt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 076601 (2008).
73. Patterning of magnetic structures on austenitic stainless steel by local ion beam nitriding
E. Menendez, A. Martinavicius, M. O. Liedke, G. Abrasonis, J. Fassbender, J. Sommer, K. Nielsch, S. Surinach, M. D. Baro, J. Nogues, J. Sort
Acta Materialia 56, 4570 (2008).
72. High cluster formation tendency in Co implanted ZnO
K. Potzger, K. Kuepper, Q. Xu, S.Q. Zhou, H. Schmidt, M. Helm, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 104, 023510 (2008).
71. Hybrid soft-magnetic films with novel functionality created by magnetic property patterning
J. McCord, L. Schultz, J. Fassbender
Adv. Mater. 20, 2090 (2008); Cover Image
70. Ion mass dependence of the irradiation induced local creation of ferromagnetism in Fe60Al40 alloys
J. Fassbender, M. O. Liedke, T. Strache, W. Möller, E. Menendez, J. Sort, K. V. Rao, S. C. Deevi, J. Nogues
Phys. Rev. B 77, 174430 (2008).
69. Ferromagnetic and suppression of metallic clusters in Fe implanted ZnO – a phenomenon related to defects?
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, G. Talut, H. Reuther, K. Kuepper, J. Grenzer, Q. Xu, A. Mücklich, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, E. Arenholz
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 105011 (2008).
68. An easy mechanical way to create ferromagnetic defective ZnO
K. Potzger, S. Q. Zhou, J. Grenzer, M. Helm, J. Fassbender
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 182504 (2008).
67. Influence of Cr-ions on the magnetic behaviour of FeCo films
R. Gupta, R. Ansari, A. Khandelwal, J. Fassbender, A. Gupta
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B. 266, 1407 (2008).
66. Crystallographically oriented Fe nanocrystals formed in Fe-implanted TiO2
S. Q. Zhou, G. Talut, K. Potzger, A. Shalimov, J. Grenzer, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, E. Cizmar, S. A. Zvyagin, J. Wosnitza
J. Appl. Phys. 103, 083907 (2008).
65. Room temperature ferromagnetism in Nd- and Mn-codoped ZnO films
Q. Y. Xu, H. Schmidt, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, A. Setzer, P. Esquinazi, C. Meinecke, M. Grundmann
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41, 105012 (2008).
64. Formation of metallic clusters in oxide insulators by means of ion beam mixing
G. Talut, K. Potzger, A. Mücklich, S. Q. Zhou
J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D505 (2008).
63. Using x-ray diffraction to identify precipitates in transition metal doped semiconductors*
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, G. Talut, J. von Borany, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07D530 (2008).
62. Structural and magnetic properties of Tb implanted ZnO single crystals
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, A. Mücklich, F. Eichhorn, M. Helm, W. Skorupa, J. Fassbender
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 266, 589 (2008).
61. Room temperature ferromagnetism in ZnO films due to defects
Qingyu Xu, H. Schmidt, Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, M. Helm, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, A. Setzer, P. Esquinazi, C. Meinecke, and M. Grundmann
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 082508 (2008).
60. Ni implanted ZnO single crystals – correlation between nanoparticle formation and defect structure
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, K. Kuepper, J. Grenzer, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, E. Ahrenholz, J. D. Denlinger
J. Appl. Phys. 103, 043901 (2008).
59. Fe implanted ZnO: Magnetic precipitates versus dilution
S.Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, G. Talut, H. Reuther, J. von Borany, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender,
N. Volbers, M. Lorenz, T. Hermannsdörfer
J. App. Phys. 103, 023902 (2008).
58. Crystallographically oriented Co and Ni nanocrystals inside ZnO formed by ion implantation and post-annealing
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, J. von Borany, R. Grötzschel, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. B 77, 035209 (2008) and Virt. J. Nanoscale Sci. and Technol., Feb. 2008.
57. Magnetic patterning by means of ion irradiation and implantation (Review)
J. Fassbender, J. McCord
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320, 579 (2008)
56. Soft X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopic Investigation of Carbon and Carbon:Transition Metal Composite Films
G. Abrasonis, M. Berndt, M. Krause, K. Kuepper, F. Munnik, A. Kolitsch and W. Möller
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 17161 (2008).
55. X-ray spectroscopy and magnetic investigation of C:Ni nanocomposite films grown by ion beam cosputtering
G. Abrasonis, A. C. Scheinost, S. Zhou, R. Torres, R. Gago, J. Jimenez, K. Kuepper, K. Potzger, M. Krause, A. Kolitsch, W. Möller, S. Bartkowski, M. Neumann, R. R. Gareev
J. Phys. Chem C 112, 12628 (2008).
54. Dynamic vortex antivortex interaction in a single cross-Tie wall
K. Küpper, M. Buess, J. Raabe, C. Quitmann, J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 167202 (2007) and Virt. J. Nanoscale Sci. and Technol.., October 2007.
53. Suppression of secondary phase formation in Fe implanted ZnO single crystals
K. Potzger, S. Q. Zhou, H. Reuther, K. Küpper, G. Talut, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, J. Denlinger
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 062107 (2007).
52. Induced anisotropies in exchange coupled systems on rippled substrates
M. O. Liedke, B. Liedke, A. Keller, B. Hillebrands, A. Mücklich, S. Facsko, J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. B 75, 220407(R) (2007) and Virt. J. Nanoscale Sci. and Technol.., July 2007.
51. Room temperature ferromagnetism in Mn-doped ZnO films mediated by acceptor defects
Q. Xu, H. Schmidt, L. Hartmann, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, A. Setzer, P. Esquinazi, C. Meinecke, and
M. Grundmann,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 092503 (2007).
50. Meyer-Neldel rulein ZnO
H. Schmidt, M. Wiebe, B. Dittes, and M. Grundmann,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 232110 (2007).
49. Ferromagnetism in GaN induced by Fe ion implantation
G. Talut, H. Reuther, Shengqiang Zhou, K. Potzger, F. Eichhorn, and F. Stromberg,
J. Appl . Phys. 102, 083909 (2007).
48. Absence of ferromagnetism in V-implanted ZnO single crystals
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, H. Reuther, K. Küpper, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 101, 09H109 (2007).
47. Mn-silicide nanoparticles formed in Si using ion implantation
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, A. Mücklich, R. Grötzschel, B. Schmidt, F. Eichhorn, W. Skorupa, J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. B. 75, 085203 (2007).
46. Vortex dynamics in permalloy disks with artificially defects: suppression of the gyrotropic mode
K. Küpper. L. Bischoff, Ch. Akhmadaliev, J. Fassbender, H. Stoll, K. W. Chou, A. Puzic, K. Fauth, D. Dolgos, G. Schütz, B. van Waeyenberge, T. Tyliszczak, I. Neudecker, G. Woltersdorf, C. H. Back
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 062506 (2007).
45. The effect of flash lamp annealing on Fe implanted ZnO single crystals
K. Potzger, W. Anwand, H. Reuther, S. Q. Zhou, G. Talut, G. Brauer, W. Skorupa, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 101, 033906 (2007).
44. Epitaxial ZnFe2O4 on ZnO: a hybrid magnetic/semiconductor heterostructur
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, F. Eichhorn, H. Reuther, G. Talut, J. von Borany, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender
J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 40, 964 (2007).
43. Growth regimes and metal enhanced 6-fold ring clustering of carbon in carbon-nickel composite thin films
G. Abrasonis, M. Krause, A. Mücklich, K. Sedlackova, G. Radnozi, U. Kreissig, A. Kolitsch, W. Möller,
Carbon 45, 2995-3006 (2007)
42. Nickel catalysed sixfold ring clustering and graphitisation in C : Ni nanocomposites: A Raman analysis
M. Krause, G. Abrasonis, A. Kolitsch, A. Mücklich, U. Kressig, W. Möller,
Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics, 244, 4236-4239 (2007).
41. C-78 cage isomerism defined by trimetallic nitride cluster size: A computational and vibrational spectroscopic study
A. A. Popov, M. Krause, S. F. Yang, J. Wong, L. Dunsch
J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 3363 (2007).
40. Low energy, high-blux nitridation of face-centred cubic metallic matrices
F. Pedraza, C. Savall, G. Abrasonis, J. P. Riviere, J. F. Dinhut, J. L. Grosseau-Poussard
Thin Solid Films 515, 3661 (2007).
39. Entrapped bonded hydrogen in a fullerene: The five-atom cluster Sc3CH in C-80
M. Krause, F. Ziegs, A. A. Popov, L. Dunsch
Chem. Phys. Chem. 8, 537 (2007).
38. Superposition of quantum and classical rotational motions in Sc2C2@C-84-fullerite
K. H. Michel, B. Verberck, M. Hulman, H. Kuzmany, M. Krause
J. Chem Phys. 126, 064304 (2007)
37. Structural and tribological properties of cluster-assembled CNx films
M. Blomqvist, G. Bongiorno, A. Podesta, V. Serin, G. Abrasonis, U. Kreissig, W. Möller, E. Coronel, S. Wachtmeister, S. Csillaq, V. Cassina, P. Piseri, P. Milani
Appl. Phys. A 87, 767(2007).
36. Excitation dynamics in La0.875Sr0.125MnO3 measured by resonant Auger electron and resonant x-ray emission spectroscopies
T. O. Mentes, F. Bondino, E. Magnano, M. Zangrando, K. Kuepper, V. R. Galakhov, Y. M. Mukovskii, M. Neumann, F. Parmigiani
Phys. Rev. B 74, 205409 (2006).
35. Crystalline Ni nanoparticles as the origin of ferromagnetism in Ni implanted ZnO crystals
S. Q. Zhou, K. Potzger, G. Zhang, F. Eichhorn, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 100, 114304 (2006).
34. Domain structure during magnetization reversal of PtMn/CoFe exchange bias mirco-patterned lines
M. O. Liedke, K. Potzger, A. H. Bothmer, J. Fassbender, B. Hillebrands, M. Rickart, P. P. Freitas,
J. Appl. Phys. 100, 043918 (2006).
33. Nanocluster formation in Fe implanted GaN
G. Talut, H. Reuther, A. Mücklich, F. Eichhorn, K. Potzger
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 161909 (2006).
32. Mixing and subsequent amorphization of ultrathin Ni81Fe19/Ta bilayers by 30 keV Ni implantation
J. Fassbender, A. Mücklich, K. Potzger, W. Möller
Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 248, 343 (2006).
31. Control of saturation magnetization, anisotropy and damping due to Ni implantation in thin Ni81Fe19 films
J. Fassbender, J. McCord
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 252501 (2006).
30. Excited and ground state properties of LaSrMnO4: A combined X-ray spectroscopic study
K. Kuepper, R. Klingeler, P. Feutler, B. Büchner, M. Neumann
Phys. Rev. B 74, 115103 (2006).
29. Structural and magnetic modifications in Cr implanted Permalloy
J. Fassbender, J. von Borany, A. Mücklich, K. Potzger, W. Möller, J. McCord, L. Schultz, R. Mattheis
Phys. Rev. B 73, 184410 (2006).
28. Nonmagnetic to magnetic nanostructures via ion irradiation
B. N. Dev, S. Bera, B. Satpati, D. K. Goswami, K. Bhattacharjee, P. V. Satyam, K. Yamashita, O. M. Liedke, K. Potzger, J. Fassbender, F. Eichhorn, R. Grötzschel
Microelectronic Engineering 83, 1721 (2006).
27. Ion beam synthesis of Fe nanoparticles in MgO and Y:ZrO2
K. Potzger, H. Reuther, S. Q. Zhou, A. Mücklich, R. Grötzschel, F. Eichhorn, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender, H. Lichte, A. Lenk
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08N701 (2006).
26. Magnetic and electronic properties of the iron-containing polyoxotungstate [Fe4(H2O)10(b-SbW9O33)2]6-
M. Prinz, A. F. Takacs, J. Schnack, I. Balasz, E. Burzo, U. Kortz, K. Kuepper, M. Neumann
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08J505 (2006).
25. Time domain evidence of two-magnon scattering in exchange coupled bilayers
M. C. Weber, H. Nembach, B. Hillebrands, M. J. Carey, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08J308 (2006).
24. Electronic structure of LaSrMnO4: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-ray emission spectroscopy studies
K. Kuepper, R. Klingeler, P. Reutler, B. Büchner, M. Neumann
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08Q308 (2006).
23. Magnetic domains and magnetization reversal of ion-induced magnetically patterned RKKY-coupled Ni81Fe19/Ru/Co90Fe10 films
J. Fassbender, L. Bischoff, R. Mattheis, P. Fischer
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08G301(2006).
22. Influence of He-ion irradiation on thin NiMn/FeNi exchange bias films
V. Cantelli, J. v. Borany, J. Grenzer, J. Fassbender, R. Kaltofen, J. Schumann
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08C102 (2006).
21. Ferromagnetic Gd-implanted ZnO single crystals
K. Potzger, S. Q. Zhou, F. Eichhorn, M. Helm, W. Skorupa, A. Mücklich, J. Fassbender, T. Herrmannsdörfer, A. Bianchi
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20. Investigation of chemical and grain boundary effects in highly ordered Sr2FeMoO6: XPS and Mössbauer studies
M. Raekers, K. Kuepper, H. Hesse, I. Balasz, I. G. Deac, S. Constantinescu, E. Burzo, M. Valeanu, M. Neumann
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19. Electronic structure study by means of x-ray spectroscopy and theoretical calculations of the „ferric star“ single molecule magnet
A. F. Takacs, M. Neumann, A. V. Postnikov, K. Kuepper, A. Scheurer, S. Sperner, R. W. Saalfrank, K. C. Prince
J. Chem. Phys. 124, 044503 (2006).
18. Fe implanted ferromagnetic ZnO
K. Potzger, S. Q. Zhou, H. Reuther, A. Mücklich, F. Eichhorn, N. Schell, W. Skorupa, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, T. Herrmannsdörfer, T. Papageorgiou
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 052508 (2006).
17. Deviation from the planarity – a large Dy3N cluster encapsulated in an I-h-C-80 cage: An X-ray crystallographic and vibrational spectroscopic study
S. F. Yang, S. I. Troyanov, A. A. Popov, M. Krause, L. Dunsch
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16. Sixfold ring clustering in sp2-dominated carbon and carbon nitride thin films: A Raman spectroscopy study
G. Abrasonis, R. Gago, M. Vinnichenko, U. Kreissig, A. Kolitsch, W. Möller
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15. Anomalous ion accelerated bulk diffusion of interstitial nitrogen
G. Abrasonis, W. Möller, X. X. Ma
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14. Nitrogen incorporation in carbon nitride films produced by direct and dual ion-beam sputtering
G. Abrasonis, R. GAgo, I. Jimenez, U. Kreissig, A. Kolitsch, W. Möller
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 074907 (2005).
13. Fullerenlike arrangements in carbon nitride thin films grown by direct ion beam sputtering
R. Gago, G. Abrasonis, A. Mücklich, W. Möller, Z. Czigany, G. Radnoczi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 071901 (2005).
12. Flux effect on the ion-beam nitriding of austenitic stainless-steel AISI 304L
G. Abrasonis, J. P. Riviere, C. Templier, L. Pranevicius, N. P. Barradas
J. Appl. Phys. 97, 124906 (2005).
11. Domain structure of magnetically micro-patterned PtMn/NiFe exchange biased bilayers
K. Potzger, L. Bischoff, M. O. Liedke, B. Hillebrands, M. Rickart, P. P. Freitas, J. McCord, J. Fassbender
IEEE Trans. Magn. 41, 3610 (2005).
10. Structural analysis of ion irradiated polycrystalline NiFe/FeMn exchange bias systems
S. Blomeier, D. McGrouther, S. McVitie, J.N. Chapman, M.C. Weber, B. Hillebrands, and J. Fassbender
Europhys. J. B 45, 213 (2005).
9. All-optical probe of magnetization dynamics in exchange biased bilayers on the picosec-ond timescale
M. C. Weber, H. Nembach, B. Hillebrands, R. Kaltofen, J. Schumann, M. J. Carey, J. Fassbender
Europhys. J. B 45, 243 (2005).
8. Ion Beam Induced Destabilization of Icosahedral Structures in Gas Phase Prepared FePt Nanoparticles
O. Dmitrieva, B. Rellinghaus, J. Kästner, M. O. Liedke, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 97, 10N112 (2005).
7. Modified Gilbert damping due to exchange bias in NiFe/FeMn bilayers
M. C. Weber, H. Nembach, B. Hillebrands, J. Fassbender
J. Appl. Phys. 97, 10A701 (2005) and Virt. J. Ultrafast Sci., May 2005.
6. Magnetic anisotropy and domain patterning of amorphous films by He-ion irradiation
J. McCord, T. Gemming, L. Schultz, J. Fassbender, M. O. Liedke, M. Frommberger, E. Quandt
Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 162502 (2005).
5. Modification of the magnetic properties of exchange coupled NiFe/FeMn films by Ga+ ion irradiation
S. Blomeier, D. McGrouther, R. O'Neill, S. McVitie, J. N. Chapman, M. C. Weber, B. Hillebrands, J. Fassbender
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 290-291, 731 (2005).
4. Investigation of the polycrystalline Ni81Fe19/Fe50Mn50 exchange bias system with a varying spacer layer for partial decoupling
M. O. Liedke, H. Nembach, B. Hillebrands, J. Fassbender
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 290-291, 588 (2005).
3. Real time temperature dynamics in exchange biased bilayers upon laser excitation
M. C. Weber, H. Nembach, B. Hillebrands, J. Fassbender
IEEE Trans. Magn. 41, 1089 (2005).
2. Reflectivity characterization of ion irradiated exchange bias FeMn-FeNi films
D. M. Solina, M.-O. Liedke, U. Tietze, J. Fassbender, A. Schreyer
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 286, 225 (2005).
1. Tailoring Magnetism by Light Ion Irradiation (Review)
J. Fassbender, D. Ravelosona, Y. Samson
J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 37, R179 (2004).