Work package 3.1 - Hydrodynamic characterization of structured apparatuses
Principal Investigator: Dr. M. Schubert (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
PhD students / PostDocs: Johannes Zalucky (HZDR), Michael Wagner (TUD) / Dr. Swapna Rabha
Main Scientific Goals
The work package aims on the description and characterization of the macroscopic multiphase flow and mass transfer behaviour in geometrically functionalized packings for structured reactors with particular emphasis for their potential to intensify catalytic hydrogenation and oxidation processes.
In particular, the contacting pattern and its dynamics also in new process windows and their influence on the transfer processes are in the focus of the studies. The flow data, mainly gathered using tomographic imaging techniques, are further utilized to develop macroscopic Eulerian-based CFD models and compartment models.
Particular tasks
- Coupling of a modular reactor setup for multiphase flow studies in structured packings such as honeycombs, solid foams and periodic open cubic structures with an ultrafast X-ray tomography for flow imaging.
- Visualization of dynamic contacting flow pattern and determination of characteristic hydrodynamic process parameters
- Studying the effect of enhanced operating conditions such as modified fluid properties, organics and enhanced temperature and pressure conditions
- Development and adaption of methods for studies of the individual mass transfer steps at macroscopic level in structured packings such as the electrochemical method and dynamic sorption of oxygen
Highlights and selected results
Coupling of ultrafast X-ray CT with modular reactor: DN50 monolithic (65 cpsi) reactor in the scanning plane. |
X-ray CT visualization of dynamic contacting flow pattern: time-spatial pulse flow gradients in 20 ppi (left) and 45 ppi (right) foam block elements. |
Dynamic sorption of oxygen: SEM image of SiSiC foam coated with USZ-Y zeolite for oxygen mass transfer on solid surfaces. |
Limiting current liquid-solid mass transfer measurement technique: Simulated electric field and concentration profiles in a fixed-bed reactor. |
- S. Rabha, M. Schubert, F. Grugel, M. Banowski, U. Hampel: Visualization and quantitative analysis of dispersive mixing by a helical static mixer in upward co-current gas-liquid flow, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014.
- S. Rabha, E. Krepper, F. Grugel, F. Zidouni, M. Schubert, R. Rzehak, D. Lucas, U. Hampel: Characterization of gas-liquid flow mixing by means of helical static mixer, 11th Multiphase flow conference and short course, November 2013, Dresden, Germany.
- M. Schubert, S. Rabha, F. Grugel, M. Banowski, U. Hampel: Characterization of gas-liquid flow mixing with static mixers, Jahrestreffen der Fachgruppen Mehrphasenströmungen und Wärme-und Stoffübertragung, March 2014, Fulda, Germany.
- S. Rabha, M. Schubert, M. Bonoswki, J. Zalucky, U. Hampel: Mixing efficiency of cross-bar and helical static mixer in upward gas-liquid flows, 9th international symposium on Catalysis in Multiphase Reactors, December 2014, Valpré, Lyon, France.
- E. Krepper, S. Rabha, U. Hampel, R. Rzehak, M. Schubert: Dynamics of gas-liquid flow in helical static mixer: An experimental and numerical study, 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering, September 2014, Hamburg, Germany.
- J. Zalucky, M. Schubert, U. Hampel: Pulse dynamic visualization in foam packed reactors - flow path evolution over time, ProcessNet Jahrestagung, September/October 2014, Aachen, Germany.
- J. Zalucky, S. Rabha, M. Schubert, U. Hampel: Advances in application of the limiting current technique for solid-liquid mass transfer investigations, 2nd International Symposium on Multiscale Multiphase Process Engineering, September 2014, Hamburg, Germany.
- J. Zalucky, S. Rabha, M. Schubert, M. Bieberle, M. Wagner, U. Hampel: Advances in understanding of co-current multiphase flows through ceramic foams, 9th international symposium on Catalysis in Multiphase Reactors, December 2014, Valpré, Lyon, France.