
Porträt Dr. Fowley, Ciaran; FWIO-F

Dr. Ciaran Fowley

Lei­ter Nanofabrikation und Analyse
Tel.: +49 351 260 3253

Dr. Ciarán Fowley, FWIO-F

Cleanroom Group Leader


TRANSPIRE - Terahertz Radio communication using high ANistropy SPIn torque REsonators - co-author - EU-H2020-RIA FET-Open May 2016. Total Budget EUR 4.4M.

DEPNA - Development and Exploitation of Programmable Nanomagnet Arrays - no-cost partner - LabEX NIE (France) October 2016. Total Budget EUR 120k.

Q-Nano Transnational Access Award, TCD-TAF-019, June 2012 - "Modification and characterisation of Co/Pt multi-layers using a focused helium ion beam" - Travel and machine time grant. Approx EUR 7k

HZDR Publications:

Link to Google Scholar profile

"Wafer-scale nanofabrication of telecom single-photon emitters in silicon" M. Hollenbach, N. Klingner, N. S. Jagtap, L. Bischoff, C. Fowley, U. Kentsch, G. Hlawacek, A. Erbe, N. V. Abrosimov, M. Helm, Y. Berencén, G. V. Astakhov, Nat. Comm. 13, 7683 (2022) (2022)

"A photonic platform hosting telecom photon emitters in silicon" M Hollenbach, NS Jagtap, C Fowley, J Baratech, V Guardia-Arce, U Kentsch, A Eichler-Volf, NV Abrosimov, A Erbe, CH Shin, HS Kim, M Helm, W Lee, GV Astakhov, Y Berencén, Journal of Applied Physics 132, 033101 (2022).

"Spin polarization and magnetotransport properties of systematically disordered Fe60Al40 thin films" K Borisov, J Ehrler, C Fowley, B Eggert, H Wende, S Cornelius, K Potzger, J Lindner, J Fassbender, R Bali, P Stamenov, Phys. Rev. B 104, 134417 (2021).

"Direct imaging of distorted vortex structures and magnetic vortex annihilation processes in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic disk structures" SSPK Arekapudi, B Böhm, L Ramasubramanian, F Ganss, P Heinig, S Stienen, C Fowley, K Lenz, AM Deac, M Albrecht, O Hellwig, Phys. Rev. B 103, 014405 (2021).

"Helium Ion Microscopy for Reduced Spin Orbit Torque Switching Currents" P Dunne, C Fowley, G Hlawacek, J Kurian, G Atcheson, S Colis, N Teichert, B Kundys, M Venkatesan, J Lindner, AM Deac, TM Hermans, JMD Coey, B Doudin, Nano Letters 20, 10,7036 (2020).

"Tunable magnetic vortex dynamics in ion-implanted permalloy disks" L Ramasubramanian, A Kákay, C Fowley, O Yildirim, P Matthes, S Sorokin, A Titova, D Hilliard, R Boettger, R Hübner, S Gemming, SE Schulz, F Kronast, D Makarov, J Fassbender, AM Deac, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2020).

"Magnetization dynamics in synthetic antiferromagnets: Role of dynamical energy and mutual spin pumping" S Sorokin, RA Gallardo, C Fowley, K Lenz, A Titova, GY P Atcheson, G Dennehy, K Rode, J Fassbender, J Lindner, AM Deac, Phys. Rev. B 101, 144410 (2020).

"Ion-Irradiation-Induced Cobalt/Cobalt Oxide Heterostructures: Printing 3D Interfaces" O Yildirim, D Hilliard, SSPK Arekapudi, C Fowley, H Cansever, L Koch, L Ramasubramanian, S Zhou, R Boettger, J Lindner, J Fassbender, O Hellwig, AM Deac, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 8, 9858-9864 (2020).

"Spin-transfer dynamics in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions with an out-of-plane magnetized free layer and an in-plane polarizer" E Kowalska, V Sluka, A Kákay, C Fowley, J Lindner, J Fassbender, AM Deac, Phys. Rev. B 101, 024430 (2019).

"Effect of insertion layer on electrode properties in magnetic tunnel junctions with a zero-moment half-metal" A Titova, C Fowley, E Clifford, Y-C Lau, K Borisov, D Betto, G Atcheson, R Hübner, C Xu, P Stamenov, M Coey, K Rode,J Lindner, J Fassbender, AM Deac, Scientific Reports 9, 4020 (2019).

"Tunnel magnetoresistance angular and bias dependence enabling tuneable wireless communication", E Kowalska, A Fukushima, V Sluka, C Fowley, A Kákay, Y Aleksandrov, J Lindner, J Fassbender, S Yuasa, AM Deac, Scientific Reports 9, 9541 (2019).

"Zero-field dynamics stabilized by in-plane shape anisotropy in MgO-based spin-torque oscillators", E Kowalska, A Kákay, C Fowley, V Sluka, J Lindner, J Fassbender, AM Deac, Journal of Applied Physics 125, 083902 (2019).

"Magnetocrystalline anisotropy and exchange probed by high-field anomalous Hall effect in fully-compensated half-metallic Mn2RuxGa thin films", C Fowley, K Rode,Y-C Lau, N Thiyagarajah, D Betto, K Borisov, G Atcheson, E Kampert, Z Wang, Y Yuan, S Zhou, J Lindner, P Stamenov, JMD Coey, AM Deac, Phys. Rev. B 98, 220406(R) (2018).

"Investigating spin-transfer torques induced by thermal gradients in magnetic tunnel junctions by using micro-cavity ferromagnetic resonance" H Cansever, R Narkowicz, K Lenz, C Fowley, L Ramasubramanian, O Yildirim, A Niesen, T Huebner, G Reiss, J Lindner, J Fassbender, AM Deac, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 224009 (2018).

"Spin torque switching in nanopillars with antiferromagnetic reference layer", M Arora, C Fowley, T Mckinnon, E Kowalska, V Sluka, AM Deac, B Heinrich, E Girt, IEEE Magnetics Letters, 8, 3100605 (2018).

“Narrow-band tunable terahertz emission from ferrimagnetic Mn3-xGa thin films”, N Awari, S Kovalev, C Fowley, K Rode, RA Gallardo, YC Lau, D Betto, N Thiyagarajah, B Green, O Yildirim, J Lindner, J Fassbender, JMD Coey, AM Deac, M Gensch, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 032403 (2016).

“Evolution of the interfacial magnetic anisotropy in MgO/CoFeB/Ta/Ru based multilayers as a function of annealing temperature”, Y Aleksandrov, C Fowley, E Kowalska, V Sluka, O Yildlrlm, J Lindner, B Ocker, J Fassbender, AM Deac, AIP Advances, 6, 065321 (2016).

“Tunnelling magnetoresistance of the half-metallic compensated ferrimagnet Mn2RuxGa”, K Borisov, D Betto, YC Lau, C Fowley, A Titova, N Thiyagarajah, G Atcheson, J Lindner, AM Deac, JMD Coey, P Stamenov, K Rode, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 192407 (2016).

"Effect of deposition conditions and annealing temperature on tunnel magnetoresistance and structure of MgO-based double-barrier magnetic tunnel junctions", W Feng, C Fowley, K Bernert, V Sluka, E Kowalska, Y Aleksandrov, J Lindner, J Fassbender, HD Gan, A Kunz, R Hübner, JMD Coey, AM Deac, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51, 7110604 (2015).

“Direct measurement of the magnetic anisotropy field in Mn–Ga and Mn–Co–Ga Heusler films”, C Fowley, S Ouardi, T Kubota, Y Oguz, A Neudert, K Lenz, V Sluka, J Lindner, JM Law, S Mizukami, GH Fecher, C Felser, AM Deac, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 48, 164006 (2015).

“Phase diagrams of MgO magnetic tunnel junctions including the perpendicular spin-transfer torque in different geometries”, K Bernert, V Sluka, C Fowley, J Lindner, J Fassbender, AM Deac, Physical Review B, 89, 134415 (2014).

“Zero-field spin-transfer oscillators combining in-plane and out-of-plane magnetized layers”, C Fowley, V Sluka, K Bernert, J Lindner, J Fassbender, WH Rippard, MR Pufall, SE Russek, and AM Deac, Applied Physics Express, 7, 043001 (2014).

“Local modification of magnetic anisotropy and ion milling of Co/Pt multilayers using a He+ ion beam microscope” C Fowley, Z Diao, C C Faulkner, J Kally, K Ackland, G Behan, HZ Zhang, AM Deac and JMD Coey, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 46, 195501 (2013).

Previous Publications:

“Electric field induced changes in the coercivity of a thin-film ferromagnet”, C Fowley, K Rode, K Oguz, H Kurt and JMD Coey, Journal of Physics D : Applied Physics, 44, 305001 (2011).

“Magnetocardiography with sensors based on giant magnetoresistance”, M Pannetier-Lecoeur, L Parkkonen, N Sergeeva-Chollet, H Polovy, C Fermon, and C Fowley, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 153705 (2011).

“Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CoFeB/Pd bilayers”, C Fowley, N Decorde, K Oguz, K Rode, H Kurt and JMD Coey, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46, 2116-2118 (2010).

“Three-state dual spin valve structure”, BS Chun, C Fowley, M Abid, and JMD Coey, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, 025002 (2010).

“Inverted magnetoresistance in dual spin valve structures with a synthetic antiferromagnetic free layer”, C Fowley, BS Chun, HC Wu, M Abid, JU Cho, SJ Noh, YK Kim, IV Shvets, and JMD Coey,  Applied Physics Letters, 95, 222506 (2009).

“Negative magnetoresistance in dual spin valve structures with a synthetic antiferromagnetic free layer”, C Fowley, BS Chun, and JMD Coey, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 45, 2403-2406 (2009).

Selected Oral Conference Contributions:

"Narrow-band tunable terahertz emission from ferrimagnetic Mn3-xGa thin films”, C Fowley, N Awari, S Kovalev, K Rode, RA Gallardo, YC Lau, D Betto, N Thiyagarajah, B Green, O Yildirim, J Lindner, J Fassbender, JMD Coey, AM Deac, M Gensch, MMM New Orleans, FC-04, November 2016.

“Zero-field spin-transfer oscillators combining in-plane and out-of-plane magnetized layers”, C Fowley, V Sluka, K Bernert, J Lindner, J Fassbender, WH Rippard, MR Pufall, SE Russek, and AM Deac, Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism MISM-2014, Moscow, June 29 – July 3, 2014.

“Direct measurement of the anisotropy field in CoMnGa thin films”, C Fowley, Y Oguz, A Neudert, C Bunce, V Sluka, JM Law, J Lindner, S Ouardi, GH Fecher, T Kubota, S Mizukami, C Felser and AM Deac, IEEE International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG), Dresden, May 4 – 8, 2014.

“Tunnel magnetoresistance in double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with different free layer deposition conditions”, C Fowley, W Feng, HD Gan, R Hübner, A Kunz, J Lindner, J Fassbender, JMD Coey and AM Deac, Deutsche Physiker Gemeinschaft Spring Meeting, Dresden, March 31 – April 4, 2014.

“Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin single layers of CoFeB”, C Fowley, N Decorde, K Oguz, K Rode, H Kurt and J M D  Coey, 11th Joint MMM-INTERMAG Conference, Washington D.C., USA, January 17-22, 2010.

Selected Poster Conference Contributions:

“Ion milling of Co/Pt multilayers using a helium ion microscope”, C Fowley, Z Diao, K Ackland, J M D Coey, A M Deac, LXVII Yamada Conference, “The 8th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML2013)”, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan, May 19-24 2013.

“Switching phase diagrams of MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions”, C Fowley, K Bernert, Y Alexandrov, H D Gan, V Sluka, E Kowalska, W Feng, J Linder, J Fassbender, J McCord, S Mangin, and A M Deac, LXVII Yamada Conference, “The 8th International Symposium on Metallic Multilayers (MML2013)”, Kyoto Research Park, Kyoto, Japan, May 19-24 2013.

“Effect of an in-plane field on microwave dynamics in point contact spin valve structures combining inplane and out-of-plane magnetic layers”, C Fowley, V Sluka, K Bernert, H D Gan, J Fassbender, A M Deac, W H Rippard, M R Pufall, and S E Russek 12th Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, Chicago, USA, January 14-18 2013.

“Microwave dynamics in point contact spin valve structures combining in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic layers with in-plane magnetic fields”, C Fowley, V Sluka, K Bernert, H D Gan, A M Deac, W H Rippard, M R Pufall, and S E Russek, 21th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS), Shanghai, China, September 24-28 2012.

“Sub-μm magnetic and sub-100 nm topological patterning of Co/Pt multi-layers using a He+ ion beam microscope”, C Fowley, Z Diao, C C Faulkner, G Behan, J Kally, H Z Zhang, and J M D Coey, INTERMAG 2012, International Magnetics Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 7-11 2012.

“Initial magnetisation angle dependence for microwave oscillation in a metallic spin valve”, C Fowley, K Bernert, V Sluka, J Fassbender, A M Deac, W H Rippard, M R Pufall, and S E Russek, INTERMAG 2012, International Magnetics Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 7-11 2012.

“Spin transfer oscillators with different geometries”, C Fowley, V Sluka, K Bernert and A M. Deac, SpinMV Conference, Château de Villiers-le-Mahieu, France, December 14-16 2011.

“Characterization of Co40Fe40B20/Pt Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Single Layers” K Oguz, C Fowley, and J M D Coey, 20th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces, Berlin, Germany, July 20-24, 2009.

“Exchange bias and giant magnetoresistance in top-pinned CoFeB/IrMn  current in plane spin valves”, C Fowley, K Oguz and J M D  Coey, IEEE International Magnetics Conference, Sacremento, California, USA, May 4-8, 2009.

“Negative Magnetoresistance in GMR Spin Valve Structures”, C Fowley, B S Chun, and J M D Coey, Asian Magnetics Conference, Busan, Korea, December 10-12, 2008.

“Exchange bias in CoFeB/IrMn top-pinned spin valves”, C Fowley, K Oguz and J M D Coey, Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Dublin, Ireland, September 14-19, 2008.

“Preparation of nanopillar magnetoresistive spin valves by nanostencil methods” C Fowley, G Malinowski and J M D  Coey, 1st WUN International Conference on Spintronic Materials and Technology, York, England, August 7-10, 2007.