International LIMTECH Young Scientist Award
The LIMTECH Alliance, a German research initiative devoted to the research on liquid metal technologies that is funded by the Helmholtz association of German research centres, for the second time announces the international LIMTECH Young Scientist Award to support the research in the field of liquid metal technologies and to intensify international cooperation. Detailed subjects are, for instance, generic flow phenomena and flow control, magnetohydrodynamic flows, measurement techniques, applications in metal casting, crystal growth or energy conversion and storage, related model experiments and numerical simulations, etc.
The award is granted annually and recognises outstanding scientific contributions made by young scientists. Candidates must be less than 40 years old. Eligible for application are PhDs or post-docs (typically 3-4 years after completion of the thesis). Applicants must not be members of the LIMTECH alliance, and their work must not have been funded by the LIMTECH alliance.
The award consists of a certificate and is endowed with a lump sum of 2000 €.
Award Winner 2016: Dr. Jiang WANG, Shanghai Univ.
Award Winner 2017: Dr. Kaspars DADZIS, Leibniz Inst. Crystal Growth, Berlin
LIMTECH-Award Winner 2017 Dr. Kaspars Dadzis at the LIMTECH Symposium in Dresden (Sept. 19, 2017)
Foto: Gerd Mutschke
The certificate of the Award 2017 was presented to Dr. Dadzis at the Final Symposium of the LIMTECH alliance in Dresden on Sept. 19-20, 2017, at which Dr. Dadzis gave an invited lecture.
Chair of the Award Committee: Dr. Gunter Gerbeth, HZDR, on behalf of the Steering Committee of the LIMTECH alliance.