Multiphase Flows - Simulation, Experiment and Application
The 14th Multiphase Flow Workshop - Short Course and Conference Nov 08-10, 2016
Multiphase flows are of great interest to a large variety of industries. The power generation, nuclear reactor technology, food production, chemical process, aerospace and automotive industries are all driving forces in this complex field.
The goal of the workshop was to bring together experimental and numerical practitioners, and to foster discussion and exchange of knowledge.
Experts from both areas are called upon to present their research and application results to a worldwide audience. Topics of interest include:
- Simulation technology for multiphase flows
- Phase interaction models
- Turbulence models
- Solution algorithms
- Multi-scale modelling techniques
- Application of simulation methods to multiphase flow problems
- Experimental investigations of multiphase and magnetohydrodynamic flows
- Measurement methods for multiphase and magneto-hydrodynamic flows
The workshop is divided into two parts: starting with one and a half day the Short Course and following another 1.5 days the Conference.
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Keynote lectures
- "Resolving industrial multiphase flow assurance challenges: Useful simulations of system evolution - the need for a pragmatic multi-level modelling approach"
Prof. Dr. Stein Tore Johansen - SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway - "Simulation of multiphase melt flows - applications and challenges from the industrial point of view"
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Odenthal, SMS group GmbH, Düsseldorf
The conference will take place after the Short Course.
Multiphase flows occur in a large variety of industrial products, for instance in the chemical and process industry, in power generation, and in the automotive industry. In order to improve quality of these products, to accelerate their development, and to increase their safety, it is important to better understand, model, and simulate multiphase flows.
The goals of the conference are to discuss the state of the art in multiphase flow research and applications, and to foster discussion and exchange of knowledge. Special sessions will be devoted to the subject of multi-scale modelling. Experts from the experimental side, from modelling and simulation, as well as experts from the application field are invited to present their research and results to a worldwide audience.
General topics of interest include
- Simulation technology for multiphase flows
- Phase interaction models
- Turbulence models
- Solution algorithms
- Multi-scale modelling techniques
- Application of simulation methods to multiphase flow problems
- Experimental investigations of multiphase and magnetohydrodynamic flows
- Measurement methods for multiphase and magnetohydrodynamic flows
Short Course
Our Short Course, one and a half day - from Tuesday morning until Wednesday noon, is designed to provide knowledge on the use of numerical and experimental methods for multiphase flows.
The experimental part will provide knowledge on the selection, installation and use of modern gas-liquid measurement techniques and instruments, such as wire-mesh sensors, needle probes, process microscopy and gamma-ray computed tomography along with the application of data analysis tools. The numerical part will focus on finite-volume methods for Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange multiphase flow predictions, and on the associated mathematical models.
The Short Course will address the interests of engineers, chemists, physicists and technicians active in research and design, who want to be informed on modern design methods and tools for multiphase flows.
The first day of the Short Course will focus on general topics; on the second day one group will specialise on experimental techniques including laboratory practices, while the other group will dive deeper into multi-scale modelling approaches.
Lecture Topics
- Eulerian Multiphase Flow Models
- Lagrangian Multiphase Flow Models
- Interfacial Heat & Mass Transfer Models
- Measurement Techniques and Experimental Investigations for Multiphase Flows
- Practical Calculations of Bubble Column Flows and Spray Propagation
- Multi-scale modelling techniques like GENTOP, MUSIG, and IAD models
- Dr. Georg Scheuerer - ISimQ GmbH
- Dr. Thomas Esch – ANSYS Germany
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Hampel – HZ Dresden-Rossendorf
- Dr. Eckhard Krepper – HZ Dresden-Rossendorf
- Dr. Roland Rzehak – HZ Dresden-Rossendorf
- Dr. Thomas Höhne – HZ Dresden-Rossendorf
- Dr. Dirk Lucas – HZ Dresden-Rossendorf