Call for Abstracts
Abstract Submission
Abstracts will be evaluated by the organizing committee. Oral presentations will be selected based on the quality of the submitted abstract. Nevertheless please indicate if you want to have your contribution to be considered for selection as short oral presentation.
You can submit your abstract starting on 15th January 2017. Abstract submission and registration for the conference (and the summer school) will be done simultanously. There is no particular template for abstact sumission. The text is put in a text filed on the online registration form (limited to 2000 characters). Common TEX commnands are supported. The deadline for abstract submission is 1st May 2017.
The corresponding author will be notified about abstract acceptance as a poster contribution or as an oral contribution via e-mail by 2nd June 2017. Please note: Only abstracts for which one of the authors (usually the presenting author) is registered will be included in the final program!