Institut für Ressourcenökologie

Konferenzen und Workshops, die vom Institut für Ressourcenökologie organisiert wurden:

Foto: STRUMAT-LTO-Logo klein ©Copyright:

STRUMAT-LTO – Workshop 2023

Das laufende EU-Projekt STRUMAT-LTO widmet sich der Strukturmaterial­for­schung zu Para­metern, die die Material­eigen­schaften von Reaktordruckbehälterstählen für den sicheren Langzeitbetrieb von Leichtwasserreaktor-Kernkraftwerken beeinflussen. Der erste Workshop des Projekts wurde am HZDR als Hybrid­veranstal­tung mit 53 Teilnehmern (32 persönlich und 21 online) aus 18 Instituten in 10 Na­tionen durchgeführt.
Foto: EBSA2023 Satellite Meeting Icon ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Karim Fahmy

EBSA 2023 - Satellite meeting: Bioenergetics and Biological Thermo­dynamics

The Satellite meeting brings together scientists who are interested in discussing current developments in the field of “Bioenergetics and Biological Thermo­dynamics” and who like to interact in a workshop-like manner as an “add-on” to the session on the same topic within the EBSA main conference. Speakers from the main session will contribute to the Satellite Meeting as well.
We will have a “science-coffee”, rather than a pos­ter session, to provide opportunity for direct communication. Participants willing to discuss their projects are encouraged to propose a coffee table topic (selected from submitted abstracts). Projects shall be presented ­very briefly with the help of a printed flyer (laid out at the respective tables) showing the essentials of the work. The goal is to stimulate discussions while preserving the coffee brake character.
Foto: Actinides revisited 2022-Referenzbild ©Copyright: Dr. Peter Kaden

Actinides revisited 2022

The conference „Actinides revisited - 2022“ is dedicated to provide a platform to discuss recent advances in the field of actinide chemistry and aims to fos­ter scientific exchange between established scientists and young researchers. The conference sessions co­ver various aspects of actinide chemistry with a special emphasis on topics related to coordination chemistry. All aspects ranging from quantum chemical calculations of relativistic effects, description of electronic properties to bulk effects in solid state chemistry are co­vered in this conference.
Foto: ATAS-AnXAS 2022 Referenzbild ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Satoru Tsushima

ATAS-AnXAS 2022 - Joint Workshop

The aim of the proposed workshop is to gather both experts and novices in the field of actinide speciation using a variety of synchrotron techniques, as well as other advanced spectroscopic methods and theoretical simulations. We will assess and discuss the current status, potential, and future prospects for these partly well established, partly emerging techniques. AnXAS is also a platform for actinide beamlines at synchrotron light sources around the world, providing the latest ­information on new installations and upgrades. The focus of this workshop will also be to strengthen the ESRF based user community in actinide sciences, define future research directions and guide the worldwide efforts to build new dedicated end-stations.
Foto: EuRAD Logo ©Copyright: EuRAD

international workshop on “O­verview of existing Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) in Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) field in European Union (EU)” 2021

The Institute of Resource Ecology (IRE) of HZDR hosted the virtual international workshop on “O­verview of existing Knowledge Management Systems (KMSs) in Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) field in European Union (EU)” in frame of the European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management (EURAD) on 30 November 2021. The workshop was organized in the context of the implementation the Task 1 within EURAD WP 11 (State-of-Knowledge) and aimed to define the set of specific elements of functionality required to create an interactive, easy to use and maintain sustainable KMS in RWM.
Foto: Workshop “How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reactive transport for large-scale systems” ©Copyright: Dr. Madlen Stockmann

International Workshop on “How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reactive transport for large-scale systems” 2020

Understanding and appropriate modelling of geochemical processes is essential for predicting contaminant transport in groundwa­ter systems.
Typical application areas are nuclear waste disposal, environmental remediation, mining and milling, carbon capture & storage, or geothermal energy production.
Experts from these fields shall be brought together to discuss large-scale reactive transport modelling because:
● The scales co­vered by such predictions are up to one million year and dozens of km.
● Full-fledged incorporation of sorption, precipitation, or redox reactions (to name just a few important basic processes) will thus create inacceptable long computing times.
Geochemical approaches to o­vercome these difficulties are discussed. One example is the smart Kd‑concept, a mechanistic approach mainly based on surface complexation modelling (
Foto: Biophysics Joint Meeting 2017-Referenzbild ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Karim Fahmy

Biophysics Joint Meeting 2017

Joint Meeting of Czech and German Biophysicists:
Structural Transitions of Biomolecules in Experiment and Theory
Foto: "ThUL school"-Referenzbild ©Copyright: Dr. Michael Patzschke

The ThUL School in Actinide Chemistry 2016

The Theoretical UserLab was a part of ACTINET-i3 and its sucessor TALISMAN (EU FP7 project) responsible for fostering the interaction between experimental and computational actinide chemistry and physics. An integral part of these collaborative projects was the education of young scientist by organizing a school.
Foto: Referenzbild Biometals X ©Copyright: Gerhard Geipel

BioMetals 2016

In 2016 the Helmholtz-Cen­ter Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology had the great pleasure to host the 10th Biometals Conference from July 10th to July 15th in Dresden. With 120 participants from more than 20 countries, this conference was a great success.
This conference is the most important symposium about metal species in living biota and has already a long tradition. The conference series started in 1997 in Calgary (Canada) and since 2000 it became a biannual meeting.
Due to the 10th conference anni­versary we expect contributors from all continents and we will be anxious that this meeting becomes successful and that the participants get enduring memories.
Foto: ATAS Referenzbild ©Copyright: Prof. Dr. Satoru Tsushima

Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy (ATAS) 2014

Complementary application of various spectroscopic techniques and their combination with theoretical approaches can lead to a more profound understanding of structures, thermo dynamics and kinetics of actinide complex formation. The workshop focuses on recent advances in actinide chemistry from both a spectroscopic and theoretical point of view. It co­vers vibrational spectroscopy (IR and Raman), laser-induced spectroscopy (luminescence and photoacoustic), X-ray based spectroscopies (XAS, XPS), nuclear ­magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometries (AMS, ESI MS), and quantum chemical calculations.