
Porträt Prof. Dr. Schramm, Ulrich; FWKT

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schramm

Direktor Institut für Strahlen­physik und Lei­ter Abtei­lung Laser-Teilchenbeschleuni­gung
Tel.: +49 351 260 2471

Porträt Prof. Dr. Cowan, Thomas; FWK

Prof. Dr. Thomas Cowan

Direktor Institut für Strahlen­physik
Tel.: +49 351 260 2270

Dr. Andreas Wagner

Lei­ter Abtei­lung Kernphysik, Lei­ter Abtei­lung Strah­lungs­quelle ELBE
Tel.: +49 351 260 3261

Physik der Teilchenbeschleuniger

Physics of Particle Accelerators 2024

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schramm (Prof Dr. Tom Cowan)

Dates: Tuesday, 14:50-16:20, ASB/328

We invite you to share our interest in the fascinating basic and applied physics enabling world of particle accelerators and radiation sources. The course may be complemented by visits to facilities.

Please note that the lecture will start on tuesday, april 16th, due to an unfortunate conflict of dates.

The lecture will cover the following topics:

Particle accelerators:linear accelerators, circular accelerators, storage rings, cyclotrons, betatrons, synchrotrons
Particle dynamics: ion optics, matrix formalism, beam dynamics, beam cooling
Secondary beams: light sources, radioactive beams
Advanced concepts: relativistic laser plasma physics, laser particle acceleration
During the lecture we will frequently present applications and realisations of accelerators.

Lecture notes will be published continuously at SELMA

Recommended reading

  • K. Wille, The Physics of Particle Accelerators
  • E. Wilson, An Introduction to Particle Accelerators, Oxford Univ. Press ’01
  • F. Hinterberger, Physik der Teilchenbeschleuniger und Ionenoptik Springer ´08
  • J. Großer: Einführung in die Teilchenoptik, Teubner ’83
  • J.D. Lawson: The physics of charged-particle beams, Clarendon press ‘77
  • T. Wangler: RF Linear Accelerators, Wiley '98
  • S. Humphries: Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration, https://www.fieldp.com/cpa.html
  • CERN Accelerator School, cas.web.cern.ch/cas/