IHRS NanoNet Annual Workshop 2018
The Annual Workshop of the International Helmholtz Research School (IHRS) for Nanolectronic Networks (NanoNet) was conducted at the
Hotel Augustusberg
in Bad Gottleuba on September 5-7, 2018.
Route from Dresden to Hotel Augustusberg available @
Impressions from the workshop can be found in the Picture Gallery.
Keynote speakers
- Prof. Christian Joachim (Toulouse, France)
- Prof. Rainer Jordan (TU Dresden, Germany)
- Prof. Robert M. Metzger (Univ Alabama, US)
- Prof. Christoph Stampfer (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Program, Abstracts, and Hand-outs
The abstract booklet is available here (PDF, updated 04.09.2018).
Best Student Award
The IHRS NanoNet doctoral candidate Bilal M. Khan, hosted by the HZDR, was awarded the Best Poster Prize 2018 for his poster "Controlled Nickel Silicidation using Flash Lamp Anealing for Reconfigurable Field Effect Transistors".
The second prize was awarded to Filip Kilibarda (HZDR), and the third prize went to Türkan Bayrak (HZDR).
The following places went to Adria Garcia (UCC Cork), Alexander Strobel (HZDR), and Ahmad Echresh (HZDR).
A walking tour to the Gottleuba Valley View built up an appetite for the Dinner on Wednesday late afternoon.
We visited the Marie Louise Stolln in Bergiesshübel, a Middle Age silver mine, by a guided tour on Thursday late afternoon. The temperature inside was about 10 degrees Celsius at high humidity.
Pictures are available here.
More info on the mine is available in German here.
Participation in the workshop program and the Annual Meeting was by invitation only. If you have interest to participate in upcoming workshops, please contact the NanoNet coordinator.
This workshop was organized by the International Helmholtz Research School for Nanoelectronic Networks (IHRS NanoNet) funded by the Initiative and Networking Fund of the Helmholtz Association (VH-KO-606).