EUROFEL 2005 - 2007
2005 - 2007 |
EUROFEL Task DS5- Superconducting cw or near cw linacsEUROFEL was an European FEL Design Study proceeded with the Sixth Framework Programme of the EC from 2005 to 2007. Results (publications, reports, deliverables) are presented on the EUROFEL webpage ( |
Superconducting rf guns:Presently no electron injector exists that can both operate cw and provide the combination of low-emittance and high bunch charge/current required by the proposed FELs and ERLs. Two systems will be investigated: I. the ELBE superconducting injector currently under construction, II. the design of the INFN superconducting split injector system. |
Documentations:Presentations at the first meeting on "Superconducting RF Gun Simulations" 2.-3. June 2005 at BESSY, Berlin1. Massimo Ferrario, Beam Dynamics in a Split SRF-Gun (Powerpoint version ) 2. Kathrin Goldammer, Emittance Compensation in a Superconducting Photoinjector (pdf version) 2. Michael von Hartrott, Beam based laser allignment by RF focussing. Screen optical diagnostics (pdf version) 4. Dietmar Janssen, Axial Power Input in Photocathode Electron Guns (Powerpoint version ) 5. Dirk Lipka, Minimized emittance for high charge with multi cell superconducting guns and solenoidal focusing (Powerpoint version ) 6. Frank Marhauser, Transverse Phase Space Optimization in a 1.625-cell SRF Photoinjector (Powerpoint version ) 7. Karsten Moeller, Study of bunch behavior in the SRF GUN (Powerpoint version ) 8. Jochen Teichert, SUPERFISH Calculation for the Rossendorf SRF Gun Cavity 7. Vladimir Volkov, Photocathode 1.5 (1, 3.5) cell superconducting RF gun with electric and magnetic RF focusing (Powerpoint version ) |
Contact: Dr. Jochen Teichert.Last modified: May 03, 2010