

17th-22nd September 2017, Dresden, Germany

IISC Summer School 13th-15th September 2017

Please note: For the duration of the summer school (12.09. - 17.09.) rooms at the international guest house of the TU Dresden will be booked and costs will be coverd by the organizers. Thus students will NOT have to book separate accomondation during summer school.

The International Workshop on Inelastic Ion Surface Collisions covers the fundamental aspects of the inelastic interactions of particles with surfaces. It includes the following topics:

  • Energy loss of particles at surfaces
  • Charge exchange between particles and surfaces
  • Electron, photon and secondary ion emission due to particle impact on surfaces
  • Ion induced desorption, electronic and kinetic sputtering
  • Defect formation, surface modification and nanostructuring
  • Laser induced desorption
  • Scattering of atoms, ions, molecules and clusters
  • Sputtering, fragmentation, cluster and ion formation in SIMS and SNMS
  • Cluster/Molecular and highly charged ion beams