Publikationsrepositorium - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf

2 Publikationen

Perspectives for biotechnological applications of the uranium mining waste pile isolate Bacillus sphaericus JG-A12

Merroun, M.; Raff, J.; Pollmann, K.; Hennig, C.; Rossberg, A.; Foerstendorf, H.; Scheinost, A.; Selenska-Pobell, S.


The strain Bacillus sphaericus JG-A12 was isolated from a uranium mining waste pile near the town of Johanngeorgenstadt. The most prominent properties of this strain are reversible and selective binding of U, Cu, Pb, Al and Cd and the presence of a surface layer protein as outermost cell wall component. Mass spectroscopical, colorimetric and phosphor specific staining methods showed phosphorylation of the S-layer protein. EXAFS analysis and Infrared spectroscopy of the uranium complexes formed by the cells and S-layer of this bacterium demonstrated that this metal is coordinated to carboxyl and phosphate groups. In this work we present analysis of Pd nanoclusters formed on the cells of B. sphaericus JG-A12 in the presence of H2 as a reducing agent. These nanoclusters are interesting for the development of bionanocatalysts and biosensors. Further, by embedding cells, spores or S-layers using sol-gel techniques bioceramics particles were produced. These bioceramics can be used for bioremediation of heavy metal contaminated waters.

  • Vortrag (Konferenzbeitrag)
    VAAM 2004, 28.-31.03.2004, Braunschweig, Germany
  • Beitrag zu Proceedings
    VAAM 2004, 28.-31.03.2004, Braunschweig, Germany
