R. Schulze, B. Kämpfer Cold quark stars from hot lattice QCD submitted to Phys. Rev. D [publication pending] [arXiv] |
R. Schulze, B. Kämpfer Equation of state for QCD matter in a quasiparticle model Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 62 (2009), 386-387 [arXiv] |
R. Schulze, M. Bluhm, B. Kämpfer EOS for strongly interacting matter: collective effects, Landau damping and predictions for LHC Proc. XLVI International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics in Bormio, Italy, 20-26 Jan 2008 [Proc. print only] [arXiv] |
R. Schulze, M. Bluhm, B. Kämpfer Plasmons, plasminos and Landau damping in a quasiparticle model of the quark-gluon plasma Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 155 (2008), 177-190 [Journal Server] [arXiv] |
Vorträge und Präsentationen:
Cold quarks stars from hot lattice QCD: a comparison Talk given at TORIC 2010, Villasimius/Sardinia, Italy, 29 Sep 2010. |
Cold quarks stars from hot lattice QCD Talk given at Hot and Cold Baryonic Matter 2010, Budapest, Hungary, 19 Aug 2010. |
Progress Report: Cold quarks stars from hot lattice QCD Talk given at DPG Frühjahrstagung, Bonn, Germany, 18 Mar 2010. |
Cold quarks stars from hot lattice QCD Talk given at Strongly Interacting Matter under Extreme Conditions, Hirschegg, Austria, 20 Jan 2010. |
A FAIR equation of state Talk given at WIP seminar, Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, 16 Oct 2009. |
From lattice QCD to quark stars Talk given at Dense Matter in Heavy-Ion collisions and Supernovae, Prerow, Germany, 12 Oct 2009. |
QCD Equation of State and compact stellar objects from Hard Thermal Loops Poster presented at Quark Matter 2009, Knoxville TN, USA, 2 Apr 2009. |
QCD Equation of State and compact stellar objects from Hard Thermal Loops Talk given at Gemeinsame DPG Frühjahrstagung mit der European Physical Society (EuNPC), Bochum, Germany, 16 Mar 2009. |
QCD Equation of State and compact stellar objects from Hard Thermal Loops Talk given at Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter, Paris, France, 9 Mar 2009. |
QCD Equation of State and compact stellar objects from Hard Thermal Loops Poster presented at Fundamental Challenges of QCD, Schladming, Austria, 29 Feb 2009. |
Equation of state for strongly interacting matter within a HTL quasiparticle model Talk given at Int'l School of Nuclear Physics, Erice, Italy, 22 Sep 2008. |
Equation of state for strongly interacting matter: collective effects, Landau damping and predictions for LHC Talk given at XLVI Int'l Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, Italy, 23 Jan 2008. |
Towards an EOS for the cold and dense QGP: plasmons, plasminos and Landau damping Talk given at Zimanyi 75 Memorial Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 04 Jul 2007. |
QCD quasi-particle model with widths and Landau damping Talk given at DPG Frühjahrstagung, Gießen, Germany, 13 Mar 2007. |
Quasiparticle description of QCD thermodynamics: effects of finite widths, Landau damping and collective excitations TU Dresden - Institut für Theoretische Physik, Supervisor: B. Kämpfer, 29 Jun 2007. |